Crane's Dreams

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Crane is an odd bird sometimes. He'll act very level-headed and courteous, but without that facade, he does some very awkward stuff. Examples range from the way he talks to the way he walks. But he's a great friend to be around and very simple with certain things, making him rather plain and humble. So most wouldn't expect him to have some personal secret or hidden ability. But that wasn't that case one night when Crane was sleeping. The bird was in his room fast asleep, dreaming happily about what he dreams about most. Suddenly, in the dream, everything changed to a familiar setting. Most times, Crane dreams about doing normal stuff like relaxing next to his imaginary wife in some posh hotel. This time, he was in the middle of the village road and it seemed like the whole village was excitedly talking about something. He could see people whispering with giggles and laughter, but he couldn't tell what they were saying. Then he heard a commotion behind him. He turned around to see two familiar people coming towards him. Po and Tigress were walking side by side... with their hands intertwined with each other. Po was laughing at Tigress kissing him on the cheek. Crane stood there shocked and surprised. This was a dream of Po and Tigress dating each other. He watched the two-pass him as he finally woke up to the morning sun blurring his eyes.

"That was weird," He muttered sleepily, still remembering the dream. Why on earth would he dream about Po and Tigress dating? It was also strange because as far as he could tell, Po and Tigress weren't dating in the slightest! "Hmmm," Said the bird to himself. That didn't mean they weren't hiding it. Crane was still thinking about it when he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Crane. Did you sleep well?" Po asked in a cheerful mood. The others were eating the food that Po prepared for them.

"I did," Crane replied plainly.

"That's good. Anyways, breakfast is on the table," Po replied. Crane purposely sat right next to Tigress and whispered to her.

"Tigress," Crane whispered.

"Yes," Tigress replied, wondering why he was whispering to her.

"How well do you trust me with telling me your secrets?" Crane asked. Tigress's eyebrow rose. "It's... relationally complicated," Crane smiled cheesily. Tigress rolled her eyes thinking it was one of his relationship dilemmas.

"I don't trust you to the point of personal things. Like relationships," Tigress said truthfully. Crane nodded, knowingly. He ate his food normally and then left the room. In order to answer the question if Po and Tigress were dating secretly, he would have to follow Po. Tigress was impossible to sneak up on. And even if he could, it would be a death sentence if she caught him. Po was much easier.

For the rest of the day, Crane followed Po by the sky, on the rooftops, or by ground. There were perks to being a bird. The only problem was that he had to make sure he didn't attract much attention to himself since he was well-known. After following Po around all day, in the Jade Palace and out, he concluded that Po wasn't dating Tigress. And just by the look of Tigress, it didn't seem like there was much difference. Maybe it was just a weird dream. He did have Po's weird new drink last night. Maybe that's why he had the dream. So the bird went to sleep and forgot about it.

That didn't work out because the next dream was similar. In this one, Crane found himself in a festival in Mr. Ping's shop. He could tell by the snow that it was a winter festival, but it didn't look like one he had been to before. This one had different kinds of banners. Red, black, and white. Not traditional colors for the winter festival. Then he heard a loud noise from the shop. He looked to see the crowd cheering to see Po and Tigress kissing each other. Crane noticed that Po and Tigress were in traditional wedding dresses. Crane's eyes widened. They were getting married in this dream?! Crane woke up to the sun rising up again. "Impossible," Crane muttered to himself.

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