The Big Bad Lion

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Poorly titled I know, but still

Unusual is not the word that would describe the situation, but nothing in the Jade Palace was really normal. Po had traveled to the western part of China and brought back a new friend of his. Pengsong, which quite literally means fluffy, was the new lion in the village. Of course, for the village, it took some time to adjust to Pengsong, or that's what most of the Furious Five and Po thought. While the villagers were still cautious around Pengsong, the children absolutely loved him. "I don't understand it," Po sighed, "You would think they would be scared or at least a little shy around him. But they take to him as if they've always known him."

"I think I know why," Tigress muttered underneath her breath. In fact, she knew exactly why the children liked Pengsong so much yet were still a little cautious around her. "Where is he anyway?" Tigress asked. Po shrugged as they began looking for him. They found the lion in an interesting spot. He was resting his body on the floor of the Hall of Heroes. Pengsong rests like a traditional lion, meaning he sleeps on all fours on his belly and curled up like a small ball. With him were a bunch of small kids, resting in his fur. His mane was large and the smallest bunny among the kids was resting in his mane. Po sniffled quietly.

"That's so cute," Po whispered. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, peachy," Tigress muttered. Po noticed this as Tigress left to go to the Training Hall.

"What's wrong, Tigress? You seem upset," Po mentioned.

"I'm fine," Tigress growled.

"No, you're not. Please tell me," Po pleaded. Tigress sighed.

"I know exactly why the children are so friendly around Pengsong. It's because of his fur," Tigress explained. Po stared at the tiger in confusion. "Pengsong's fur is different from most. It's warm, fuzzy, and his mane is fun to play with for the kids. He's just furrier."

"That would explain the extra shedding," Po murmured. "But that doesn't explain why you're upset with it."

"I'm not upset with him, but I just can't understand why they're so fascinated with his fur and not others," Tigress replied. Po thought about what she said and carefully thought about his next words.

"Tigress, you're not... jealous of Pengsong, are you?"

"What?!" Tigress roared, making Po flinch. "Of course not. Why would you ever think such a thing?"

"I didn't mean to be mean or anything, but it sounds as if you wish the kids could be around you more," Po defensively said. Tigress remained silent. "If it's not that then what is it? You can tell me, Tigress." Tigress sighed as she sat down.

"I... do wish that kids were as comfortable around me as they were around Pengsong. And it is a little... frustrating that the only reason why they like him so much is that of his fur," Tigress confessed.

"But kids like you," Po protested.

"Yes, but I've never had children around me that much. Like you, Crane, and Monkey," Tigress replied.

"Tigress, I honestly think you're just a little jealous that the children are spending so much time with Pengsong. You and I both know that kids love you, even though you have your times when you just want to be alone," Po said.

"I guess you're right," Tigress sighed, still thinking about something.

"Something else is on your mind?" Po asked. Tigress was silent for a while. "Tigress, what's up?"

"I won't be able to do Kung Fu forever. That's obvious as day, but... I have been wondering about...children."

"So... you want to take over my teaching job at the Jade Palace?" Po asked confused. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"No, I was wondering if I would be a good mother," Tigress said plainly. Po's eyes widened as his mouth dropped a little. Tigress looked away. "I know. I'm not the kind of person you would expect to think about it, but-"

"Tigress, I wasn't going to say anything like that. But why are you thinking that you would be a bad mother?"

"I'm strict, blunt, and don't take nonsense," Tigress replied.

"No, you're not... well not all the time," Po muttered, "You're very caring, considerate, and thoughtful. You don't give up easily on people. I think you would be a wonderful mother." Po stood up and help Tigress from the ground. "Now your husband, on the other hand, he's going to be a handful," Po joked as they walked to the Hall of Heroes. Tigress smiled a hint.

"Viper said that I would be a kind of Tiger Mom, obsessed with my child being successful," Tigress mentioned.

"If that ever happens, I'll be sure to be right there so that you're kept in check. I don't want you to be like Shifu," Po sighed.

"What do you mean?" Tigress asked, curiously.

"Well, before I came, it was like he wanted me to be like him, but I couldn't do that and be any good at Kung Fu which irritated him," Po explained.

"Yeah, you've changed him a lot," Tigress said. "Po, do you promise to be with me if I do have a child?"

"Of course, why do you ask it like that?" Po asked.

"It's just... I don't believe a lot of men would see me as...attractive or... attainable," Tigress replied. Po stopped in his tracks.

"You're kidding, right?" Po asked in all seriousness. "Tigress, you're more beautiful and exotic than anyone I've seen in the village. Just because you're tough doesn't mean you're not pretty." Tigress smirked at Po's words.

"You haven't traveled much outside the village. That's not really a good comparison," Tigress quipped, "But thank you, Po. That means a lot to me."

"Besides," Po said as they just entered the Hall of Heroes, "There is one thing that you have that Pengsong doesn't."

"What's that?" Tigress asked. Po pointed to the now awake kids, running around the big lion and pulling at his fur.

"You still have most of your fur," Po smiled. Tigress chuckled as Pengsong struggled to get the children off.

The End

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