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"You want me to teach you what?" Tigress asked.

"Please, Tigress. Teach me how to be intimidating," Po pleaded on his knees. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"Po, you're already intimidating. When you walk, the very ground trembles," Tigress smirked, referring to his weight.

"Ha, Ha, very funny," Po muttered. "But I'm serious."

"Why do you want to learn how to be so intimidating?" Tigress finally asked.

"Well," Po nervously said twiddling his thumbs, "I just want to be taken more seriously like you guys."

"People take you seriously," Tigress objected.

"Yeah, but not the bandits. How come with you guys they rarely insult you, but with me, I'm the first to get the fat jokes?" Po argued. Tigress couldn't argue with that. Even the monster and man insults had stopped when Tigress became part of the Furious Five. "Come on, just help me with it. Please?" Po asked. Tigress sighed.

"Fine," Tigress finally said.

"Yes," Po exclaimed. The two walked over to the Training Hall to work on Po's 'scariness'.

"First thing about intimidation. You must use their fear against them. For most bandits, it's being punched, strangled or anything involving bodily harm. But you have to do it with an element of surprise. Bandits are more able to be intimidated when they are singled out and not in packs," Tigress explained. "Also, sometimes silence is the best way to scare a person off." Just then, Zeng rushed in.

"Dragon Warrior, Master Tigress, bandits are in the village."

"Well, now it's time to test out your intimidation," Tigress smirked. The two headed down the mountain towards the bandits.

"Hey, look. It's Mr. Chubby and his girlfriend," the bandit sneered. Tigress growled, about to let her anger out on the bandit, but Po held her back.

"Let me," He calmly said. There was something unsettling about how Po was so calm in this situation. Usually, he was very hyped. So Po walked up to the lead bandit.

"What are you going to do? Eat us?" asked the bandit behind the leader. Po simply grabbed the leader's face and threw him all the way back to the wall.

"Don't. Tempt me," Po growled, snarling as he gritted his teeth. The bandits started shaking in their boots. Another bandit charged at Po. Po punched him in the stomach and pounded him devastatingly to the ground. After that, he picked him up and tossed him towards the other bandits. "Run!" Po shouted. With that, the bandits fled.

"That was definitely new," Tigress said slowly.

"How did I do?" Po asked, eager to know. Tigress started breathing easier after Po's character change.

"Very good. The more people are scared of the Dragon Warrior, they won't challenge the Dragon Warrior," Tigress realized. Po ran up to Tigress and hugged her.

"Thank you, Tigress!" Po squealed. Then Po released her and stuttered in his nervous stupor. "I mean, thank you," He said calmly as he bowed. Tigress shook her head and smiled.

"Just try not to overdo it, Po," Tigress said.

"What do you mean?" Po asked.

"Well, sometimes people will be intimidating to get what they want. To manipulate people," Tigress explained.

"Tigress, don't worry. I'll be fine," Po promised. "Meanwhile, you can teach me how to be more intimidating."

"Sure," Tigress smirked.

Po slowly became feared among the bandits more and more as the crime rate went down. There was a downside. A lot of the people in the village began to respect him. While that would normally sound good, they respected Po by fearing him. Because of it, Mr. Ping couldn't let Po work at the noodle shop because the customers were scared of him. It didn't seem to concern Po because he ultimately knew the risk of being intimidating, but the others were getting worried, especially Tigress. But Po's true nature always came out, settling people's nerves. Of course, Po's intimidation training all came to a head when Po made a challenge with Tigress. "Oh come on, you can't say that I won't win," Po smirked, confidently. "What are you scared off? The master surpassing the student? Wait... I... you know what I mean."

"Sure," Tigress smirked with her arms crossed. "Po, I taught you everything you know. What could you possibly do that could even catch me off guard?"

"I'll find a way. Unless you're afraid of losing," Po smirked. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"Okay, try it," Tigress said leaning against the wall. Po smirked as he started snarling and gritted his teeth. He had figure out how to make his face threatening as well. Tigress held her smug smile as Po slammed his arms on either side of her, preventing her from leaving. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to be intimidated?" Tigress smirked. Po huffed a bit when she wasn't even changing her look. Then Po came up with an idea.

"No," He replied. He leaned and kissed Tigress on the lips. "This is," Po smirked, parting her lips and seeing her shocked face. His laugh shook Tigress out of her shock.

"I thought I told you not to manipulate people," Tigress angrily said. Po leaned on his left arm against the wall.

"I didn't," Po replied.

"Kissing someone so that they can feel intimidated counts as manipulation," Tigress replied, wiping her lips in frustration. She pushed Po away, making Po confused.

"Wait, you said to always keep the person on their toes. Why are you upset?" Po asked, still clueless.

"Because it plays with people's feelings when you do stuff like that," Tigress grunted as she started to walk away. "Which classifies as manipulation." Po stopped her by blocking her way with his arms. He pinned her back to the wall. "Po," Tigress growled dangerously, but Po wasn't deterred.

"Since when have you had feelings for me?" Po asked. Tigress's eyes widened. Now she was scared. 

"Wh-what makes you think I do?" Tigress asked.

"Because you would never be hurt like that unless I really hurt your feelings. And the only way I would be able to do that is if you were hurt that the kiss meant nothing." Tigress's eyes widened. "I've been in that situation a few times," Po replied. "So... what is it?"

"I think you've become... too intimidating," Tigress said after a long pause. "And a little too smart," She managed to say with a cheeky smile. Po smiled back. Their smiles slowly went away as they stared at each other. Tigress was wondering what Po was looking for in her eyes, not that she really mind.

"You know," Po said lowly. "I think it's time I did something that has always scared me."

"What's that?" Tigress whispered. Po didn't say anything. He just gave Tigress one last stare and kissed Tigress again. As long and passionate as it was, Tigress decided to get a bit of revenge on Po. She grabbed Po's shoulders, flipped them around, pinned him against the wall and snarled at a scared Po with a smug smile. She lightly bit his bottom lip, making him whimper.

"Tigress," Po whimpered, shaking at Tigress's claw running against his chest. She slowly backed away from Po and smiled.

"Everything you know about intimidation, you learned from me," Tigress smirked, "But you don't know everything I know." She kissed Po on the cheek and left him. "I'll be waiting for you at Mr. Ping's shop." Po just stood there, motionless until he finally processed what had just happened. Then he just smiled.

"I guess it's good to do something that scares you every day," Po smiled.

The End

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