Don't Say Birthday

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Viper's kindness, though sweet, does sometimes reveal the ugly side of a person or their hurt past. One such example is Po's birthday. Po has always loved celebrating other people's birthdays. Tigress' was his favorite because Tigress was his favorite. However, Viper started to notice that Po never mentioned his birthday or how he used to celebrate it in the village. "It's weird don't you think?" Viper said, speaking to the Furious Five and Master Shifu. "He always celebrates ours but never once has he ever mentioned his own."

"Maybe he doesn't want to," Tigress said simply.

"That can't be," Monkey argued, "A guy that loves celebrating everyone can't just NOT like celebrating his own. Maybe he just forgets sometimes when he's fighting or maybe he and his dad just celebrate it."

"But don't you think he would have told us?" Tigress reasoned, "He's been with us for five years and never said anything about it. We don't even know how old he is." That was true. The panda's age was somewhat of a mystery. Then, Viper came up with an idea.

"Why don't we find out when his birthday is, then throw him a surprise party?" Viper asked.

"That's perfect! He loves surprises," Crane agreed.

"It would be interesting to find out how old the panda is in the process," Master Shifu added. Tigress seemed to be the only one against the whole idea.

"I do not think that he would wish that," Tigress said.

"Oh come on, Tigress. What's the worst that could happen?" Viper asked.

"I'm afraid to find out," Tigress ominously said. The mission was set. The Furious Five asked around to see if they would figure out the panda's birth date. They didn't want to go straight to Mr. Ping as to not spoil the surprise. They immediately ran into problems. None of the villagers could ever remember Po having a birthday party or his age. They vaguely remember parties when he was two through five but something happened his sixth that stopped all the birthday parties.

"How can they practically live this close to the guy and not know his birthday?! Someone has to know!" Mantis exclaimed. Viper sighed.

"I didn't want to do this, but we have no choice. We have to ask Mr. Ping," Viper replied. Po, who was oblivious to all of this, was in the Jade Palace training (Secretly eating and lazing off). So the six of them went to the noodle shop to see the goose.

"Ah, the Masters of the Jade Palace. What can I give you? Noodles, bean buns, half-off Dragon Warrior Dumplings," Mr. Ping advertised.

"Actually, Mr. Ping. We wanted to speak to you about Po," Shifu explained.

"Why? Did something happen to him?" Mr. Ping asked, instantly worried.

"No, it's nothing like that. We're just wondering when is his birthday," Viper explained. The Five and Master Shifu noticed a visible change in the goose's attitude. His happy eccentric character changed into a careful intense demeanor.

"Why do you want to know?" Mr. Ping asked plainly and emotionlessly.

"We just wanted to give Po a surprise birthday party," Viper said kindly. Mr. Ping's character changed to nervousness.

"Oh, Po doesn't like celebrating his birthday. He's too...selfless to care much about it. He's very against it nowadays."

"Why?" Tigress asked.

"I don't know. He just likes celebrating everyone else's birthday except his own," Mr. Ping said nervously. "An arrangement that he seems like he wants to keep," He said almost subliminally messaging them not to do their plan. "Now, I must go back to taking care of the customers," Mr. Ping rushed. The Five and Shifu walked out of the shop more confused than ever.

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