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This was a normal sight to see. Po and Tigress fighting. Po stood with his hands and feet in his normal fighting position. Tigress stood in her fighting position as well. "I'm ready," Tigress stated.

"Okay, and this time, I won't hit the ground like a sack of rice," Po said determinedly. Tigress smirked.

"We'll see about that, panda." With that, she jumped into the air and came down, smashing her foot where Po just stood. Po dodged out of the way, just to dodge an incoming foot coming towards him. Tigress punched her right fist right to Po's stomach. That was her mistake. She didn't know that Po figured out how to turn her punches against her. The blow to his stomach reverberated around his body and forced itself out at Tigress, forcing her back a bit. Caught off guard, Po went for the attack. He curled up into a ball and charged towards Tigress.

Though she was momentarily off of her footing, she wasn't going down yet. She kicked the panda ball into the air. She jumped and thought to smash him down with her foot, but it was blocked by Po's hand. As they came back down to the ground, Po still held Tigress's foot. Tigress had to balance on one foot while trying to get her foot back. "What's the matter? Panda got your foot?" Po joked. Tigress glared emotionlessly at Po.


"What? I thought it was good," Po said defensively. Tigress rolled her eyes, pulled her caught foot towards her, bringing Po with it. She then extended it out, kicked Po in the chest, and forced him back. "Ow! Hey, I can't get kicked for bad puns."

"That's debatable," Tigress smirked, getting back into her fighting pose. Po stood still for a moment. Attacking Tigress head-on would not do good for him. She was practically a walking powerhouse. That gave Po an idea. Po rushed Tigress directly. That puzzled Tigress as she secured herself for the attack. Po clumsily threw a punch, which Tigress easily caught and planned to merely direct him to the ground. But Po managed to grab Tigress's hand, spin their positions around, and spin her to the ground. "Oof!" Tigress exclaimed as she hit the ground with Po's weight on top of her. Po rolled off of her and stood back up.

"Wasn't expecting that, did you?" Po smirked.

"I'll admit," Tigress strained as she got back up, "I did not expect you to do that. I didn't even think you could do that. Well done, Po." Po goofily smiled.

"Thanks, Tigress," Po said. Then his stomach rumbled.

"I guess now would be a good time to eat," Tigress smirked as Po twiddled with his fingers, embarrassed. As Tigress left the Training Hall, Po sternly looked at his belly.

"Why do you always have to grumble at the worst time," Po asked. He made his belly pucker up into a face. "'I can't help it if I want food. It completes me.'" Po formed his belly to say.

"Well, it's annoying," Po replied. He made his belly look sad.

"I'm sorry, I will try to be more quiet and awesome like you," Po told his belly to say.

"Do you usually talk like that to your belly?" Tigress asked, coming back into the room. Po stood erect before the smirking tiger and nervously laughed.

"Hehe, so food?" Po said, changing the subject and rushing to the kitchen.

The two of them ate casually, but Po thought of a question to ask Tigress. "What's on your mind?"

"Uh? Were you reading my mind?" Po asked astonished. "What is that like? Can you, like, hear everything?!" Tigress shook her head.

"No, you obviously have something you're thinking about," Tigress explained.

"Oh, well, I was just wondering. Why did you decide to take Kung Fu? What interested you in it?" Po asked. Tigress looked at Po for a moment as if she herself was clueless. "I mean, I know that Master Shifu had something to do with it because he practically raised you, but what prevented you from doing... I don't know, woodwork?" Then Tigress cocked her head to the side and gave Po a confused look.

"Why would I do woodwork?"

"I was just giving examples. I mean for Pete's sake, you can break an iron tree. I think woodwork wouldn't be that hard," Po commented. Tigress smirked.

"Well, to be honest, I..." She struggled to say it for a while. Then she sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." That surprised Po. He didn't think it was a personal question, but apparently, it was to Tigress.

"Are you-"

"Positive," Tigress stated, getting up and leaving the kitchen. As she left, Po slammed his face on the table.

"Why do I mess everything up?" He muttered through the wooden table.


Tigress was silently training with the wooden soldier. She was completely focused on it until she heard Po enter the room. She briefly looked at him to see a slightly saddened face. But he didn't say anything. He just stood there silently on the side of the Training Hall. Surprisingly, it annoyed Tigress. "What is it, Po?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you," Po apologized.

"You staying quiet is more disturbing than you talking," Tigress explained. Po looked confused. "You being silent for this long isn't like you. It... worries me," Tigress confessed.

"Oh," Po replied. He was silent again.

"What did you want to talk about?" Tigress asked, stopping her training to give him her full attention. Po had a surprised and confused look.

"Am I that see-through?"

"It's not a bad thing," Tigress commented. Po sighed.

"Tigress... I wanted to know about why you fight," Po said.

"Po, I-"

"But I'm okay with not knowing." Now Tigress was puzzled. "If it's a personal matter to you, then I completely understand. Well, I don't completely understand, but I understand that you don't feel comfortable talking about it. You don't have to tell me."

"And if I never tell you," Tigress asked.

"Then I never know," Po replied. Tigress smiled.

"Why don't we return to sparring?"

"Sure!" Po said excitedly.

"Where did we leave off?"

"I think you were on the ground and I was the champion of the match," Po said smugly. Tigress quickly grabbed his hand, flipped him around, and let him fall to the ground.

"Don't let your guard down, panda," Tigress smirked, bending over the fallen bear.

"You just love doing that, don't you?" Po muttered.

"There is a... slight pleasure," Tigress admitted with a smirk as Po got up. "Now, let's begin."

The End

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