Fake Love | Chapter 6

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We began to walk along the frosty streets of Sydney. I kicked the stone along the pavement. Watching it bounce from every crack in the ground. Which Luke gave me a strange look in reponse because I was fascinated by the rock.

Seconds later I heard two loud squeals, then two girls stopped us they looked fifteen maybe a little older.

"Oh my god hi Luke!" They screamed. Wow I guess he was quite famous.. Oh crap they're all gonna hate me. How did I only just realise this now?! I thought to myself, worry filling my head.

"Maddie, hello anyone there!" Luke poked me, snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Oh right, sorry, what'd you say?" I asked shaking my head retuning to reality.

"Can you take the picture?" he asked passing me the half smashed iPhone. I nodded in response taking a few snaps.

"So are you two like a thing now? I've never seen you before! Are you famous, oh maybe she's a youtuber" the two girls babbled on.

"Uh no..i'm not famous at all.." I spoke awkwardly, which earned an eye roll from Luke.

"So are you guys together!? Cause you are like really pretty." The girl with strawberry blonde hair spoke her voice filled with excitement, this girl wasn't shy at all.

"Don't tell anyone, ok" Luke winked. They nodded extremely fast. "Ok we gotta go, bye, lovely meeting you." Luke smiled walking down, dragging me along with him.

"That was weird."

"You are such an awkward person" Luke replied.

"Well sorry... strangers never randomly talk to me".

"You work at a cafe, you have strangers ordering food from you everyday, god you're stupid sometimes" he laughed, in a joking way.

"Says you, Mr drop out!" I poked his cheek.

"You are a drop out too! But I still don't understand why you dropped out?" Luke shrugged. The only reason I dropped out is because we didn't have enough money for me to go to school..but I wasn't gonna tell him that, well at least not now.

We continued to walk along the shops. Luke's big hand still holding mine. The thing i noticed is our hands fitted perfectly together, like a puzzle piece that completed the whole puzzle. I felt a smile form on my lips, as comforting feeling filled me.

I soon spotted a mattress store across the road and ran up to it in an instant.

"What the fuck, why are you so weird? Luke asked his eyes still glued to his phone. Sometimes he can be nice but i've noticed it doesn't last long.

"Its a mattress store!" I jumped up and down.

"And....why do I care?" he asked looking up at me, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"Oh my god, you obviously didn't have a childhood!" I replied whilst pushing open the door.

"What are you doing?!" Luke called nervously.

I began to jump from mattress to mattress, laughter escaping my lips.

Luke smiled a genuine smile at me, shaking his head "oh wow, you are so strange.." he chuckled.

"Come on" I said making him jump on the mattresses too. I soon tripped over the pillows on the display beds causing Luke to fall down next to me, we were both in fits of laughter. We were only centimetres apart, his piercing blue eyes flickered to my lips as leant dow-.

"Oi! Get out now!" An angry stuff member yelled at us, immediately making us stand up. Was he about to kiss me? like an actual kiss and not a fake one...no surely not?

Luke laughed as the staff member pushed us out the store. "well that was fun!" he smiled down at me. I nodded in response with a soft smile.

Luke and I spent the rest of the day together doing various things, usually getting in trouble or kicked out of stores. To my surprise I actually had a really great day.

"Well bye Maddie" Luke said swinging on the back of his heels as I walked over to my apartment door.

"Catch-ya blondie."

Chapter 6!!

Sorry for the short chapter but i'm putting up another chapter later today. Also sorry if its kinda crappy I wrote this at 3.00am x

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Love you lots x

Fake love // Luke HemmingWhere stories live. Discover now