Fake Love | Chapter 5

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I was awoken from a loud knock at my door. I flicked my eyes open looking around my soundings. I was currently on my sofa, with a soft blanket over me. I didn't even realise but I must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. The knock at the door began to fill my ears as the tapping got louder. I groaned walking over to the door and unlocking it.

Bella was stood there in quite a short dress, it had a floral print all over it. Her hair seemed a lighter shade of blonde and fell over her shoulders perfectly. i looked down at myself, realising i was wearing track pants and an over sized top.

"Hi" Bella spoke bitterly, her voice not as cheery since the first time I met her.

"Hello, come in" I replied with a yawn as I streched out my limbs. 

"You look like a mess, god do you even try?...you little shit" she growled. My eyes widened, whoa where'd this come from? I may look like shit doesn't mean you have to tell me.

"Well aren't you nice" I muttered, staggering up the stairs.

"Oi Jasper your bootie call is here" I called knocking on his door.

He opened the door, staring at me evilly. "Maddie, don't call her that! Her name is Bella, where are your manners."

I shrugged, continuing to walk into my room. I fell onto my bed "I hate mornings" I muttered to myself.

After debating to get up or not. I finally decided I probably should get up.

I hopped in the shower, the warm water splashed onto my body, waking me up. I had a quick shower, got changed into a pair of skinny black jeans and a mayday parade jumper, seen as that is my favourite band!

I looked in the mirror, deep black circles were under my eyes. I sighed unhappy with the reflection. I tugged at my imperfections then covered the flaws in  makeup.

"Maddison get your ass down here!" Jasper called.

I walked down the stairs, blowing my fringe out of my dark, lifeless eyes. Bella and Jasper were stood in the kitchen. "Yes?" I asked with a soft smile.

"Hi dear, how are you?" Bella forced a smile, her voice was higher then before.

I ignored her and looked up at Jasper "i'm sorry to be rude, Jasp, i love you and all but i don't like her." I was usually a very polite person but this girl was a hundred and ten percent fake.

"Madison! I swear to god." He said giving me a look to shut up. "Excuse me a second" Jasper murmured, placing one finger up. He grabbed my wrist dragging me into the lounge. "Why are you being so rude!" he asked.

"She hates me! She's just acting nice around you!"

"Maddie...I know you don't want anyone else in our apartment but I really like Bella..please don't make up lies and ruin this for me," he pleaded with a begging look

"Jasper i'm not lying!" I sighed a little disappointed he didn't believe me.

He rolled his eyes in response "stop it ok! God i don't know how I put up with you for so many years."

"I'm going out." I muttered blankly.

I left my apartment, slamming the door shut. I found myself in the lobby, sighing as I brushed my fingertips through my curls.

"You alright?" I heard a confused Luke ask.

I looked up a little startled "god Luke, you scared me!" I snapped.

He laughed in response "I said you alright" he repeated.

"Yeah just my brother is being a dick at the moment."

"Oh" he nodded.

"Well you wanna go out somewhere?" he asked.

I gave him a confused look "why are you being nice to me?"

"Oh well sorry! Can't I ask if you want to go out?" he rolled his eyes, with an annoyed look.

"No, its just you usually ignore me."

He shrugged "I usually ignore everyone.. Because-" he paused, chocking on his words. "Uh, n-never mind."

I decided not to ask anymore questions about that topic seen as he obviously didn't want to talk about it. "Ok well where you wanna go!?" I gleamed.

He intwined his hand with mine "I don't mind" he shrugged.

"Are you seriously gonna hold my hand" I giggled.

"Well you're my girlfriend right? So I gotta hold your hand" he chuckled.

"Fake girlfriend" I reassured him.

"Yeah, yeah, same thing." He spoke pulling me out of the building.

Chapter 5 of fake love!

Sorry it was kinda a short chapter i just wanted to update it :)

Tell me what you guys think of Bella? Cause I kinda hate her.

I really hope you guys are liking this story so far..this is probably my favoruite one i've uploaded to wattpad. So I really hope you guys like it too xxx

Please do vote comment and follow as it means so much to me.

Love you x

Fake love // Luke HemmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora