Fake Love | Chapter 29

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- One week later -

Maddie's pov:

I furiously slammed my palms on the boys' apartment. It opened slowly, to my surprise someone was actually home. "Maddie?" Ashton questioned.

"Is Luke home?" I pleaded.

"Y-yeah, but I don't think you should talk to him.."

"I need to, i have to!"

"He practically never leaves his room." Ashton's eyes were filled with worry. Luke is his best friend and I bet he was going a little crazy from be anxious.

I pushed past him, giving him a weak smile as I ran up the stairs. I made it to Luke's room, my heart was beating a million miles per hour. I knocked softly, no response. I knocked louder, resting my head on his wooden door. "Piss off Ashton," his muffled voice came through.

"Open the god damn door Lucas."


"Open the door," I repeated.

"Just go away, Maddie" he whispered, through sobs.

"Luke! Please fucking open the door! I think I deserve to talk to you."

I heard a deep groan and feet shuffling. Before the lock of the door clicked. I swung the door open. Luke's room was cold, too cold. Everything was dark, the windows were locked shut..Like my mind. The room was silent, not an awkward silent.. Just silent.

I needed to let everything out, I had to. I built up enough courage to get here, I couldn't turn back now.


"Yeah?" he asked quietly.

I fell to the floor, not meaning to. I was just so exhausted. My mind was racing, my breathes heavy, my head felt like someone had slammed it into a brick wall. "Why," is all I managed to get out..

Luke didn't answer, he just stared at me confused. "Why?!" I shouted.


"I know, I know, you promised so many things. But I just.. I can't see you do this to yourself!" I began to cry.

"Maddie... I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know y-you don't love me and I should hate you! I should hate you so much, but I can't. I love you! Ok.."


"So why can't you just do one fucking thing for me," I screamed.

I grabbed his arm, making him wince in pain. He struggled trying to pull his arm away, nervously. I rolled up his sleeve that was covered with fresh cuts and scarring. "You promised." I yelled, tracing my finger over his cuts.

"I promised a lot of things! Ok? I'm fucked up Maddie, I ruin people. I ruin everyone. So why can't I ruin myself?"

"Because! You fucked me up, you used me! I don't know what for, sex, publicity, for your own game!? But even though you don't love me, I loved you. And it hurts so much, to see you do this to yourself." I brought my legs up to my chest, crying silently.

Luke knelt down, hugging me tightly. My body stiffened, I felt my heart stop. "Promise me, this one thing Luke, please," I begged.

"Ok, I promise." He whispered. My heart fluttered, I knew that voice. It was the Luke I fell in love with, the whole other side to him.. Although I felt like someone kicked me to a curb when all the memories of what he said to me filled my head. I pulled out of his grip, causing tears to fall down his cheeks. I'm guessing he didn't think I noticed. I was angry, depressed, lost.. I was so confused. I didn't know how to feel. So I won't feel, as long as I know he's ok. That means I don't have to be here anymore.. I finally get to leave.

"Goodbye Luke," I said.

"Bye Maddie," Little did he know, that would be the last goodbye, I'll ever hear from him.

Chapter 29 of Fake Love..

I really hope you are enjoying the story so far :)

i never know what to write at the end of my chapters so sorry if i always write the same thing aha.

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Love you lots xxxx

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