The Monster of Japan

573 27 18

xShu entered the groupchat

xShu: Valt. Anyone. I need help.

Valt11: Shu!!!

Valt11: Omg i didnt expect you

Valt11: where r u. i havent seen u since yesterday and im so scared

xShu: I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I'm safe now.

Valt11: from what

xShu: It's something. Something is after me.

Valt11: Wait what no way

xShu: You heard me. There's a monster and I'm scared. 

Valt11: what monster shu!? monsters cant be real

Valt11: plz tell me where you are i want to know youre safe

xShu: No. Or else the monster gets me

Valt11: AGAIN what monster

Valt11: plz at least give me some hints. i need 2 know

xShu: You don't. Again, I'm safe. The monster will not get me, Valt. 

xShu: Maybe I'll come back to you one day, when I am sure that everything is safe. When the monster did not consume me yet.

Valt11: what did it do 2 u

xShu: Nothing yet.

Valt11: then y r u afraid

xShu: Not because it did something to me. It killed my parents withins days they came home. There's a monster haunting my family and I had to run away. This monster cannot be killed by humans.

Valt11: WTH 

Valt11: Shu im so sorry

Valt11: u couldve told me earlier bc i wouldve helped to protect u

xShu: Valt, you don't understand. This monster kills silently and efficiently. 

Valt11: WHAT

xShu: It killed my parents in a heartbeat. They died in seconds.

Valt11: no way...

xShu: That's why I had to flee. I was in danger. It haunts my family and no one else. No one can save me or stop it! It won't stop until I am gone and everyone I care about is dead.

Valt11: But do u think ur safe now

xShu: For awhile. But I do not have time. 

Valt11: then plz can i ask you some more questions

xShu: Sure. But please, choose the right ones. Talking too long may give the monster more time to come for me. I must go as fast as I can, and maybe away from our country.

Valt11: okay but like maybe theres a weakness inside this thing

Valt11: but first maybe u should describe it

xShu: No way. It was silent and stealthy and almost invisible. Like a ghost. 

Valt11: so its like a ghost? dang thats creepy and 2 scary 2 be tru

xShu: Yeah.

Valt11: but what else then? how does it attack besides being stealthy? 

xShu: I saw it. It was mad. It was powerful.

Valt11: but how?

xShu: It struck my parents like nothing. It seemed like they didn't expect it once they got home.

Valt11: woah. anything else? 

xShu: It worked quietly. I knew the apartment was odd when they first came home. There was a dark and resenting atmosphere to the place. It was like something was glaring at them, and angry too. It became so obvious that I was fearful during our first dinner together. 

xShu: In their dinner seats, they dropped dead. The invisible monster did its magic. I don't know how they died. I was so scared I had to leave right away or I would die painfully in my seat like that.

Valt11: thats SUPER creepy. im so sorry abt that, shu... we need someone to help u

xShu: NO. The monster hates enemies coming after it. 

xShu: It will kill others if it wants to. But right now it loathes me and only me. I'm so scared, Valt. 

Valt11: So thats another behavior!? first its quick and silent and then it hates ur guts? what else does it seem to act like? did it roar or scream invisibly 

xShu: It screeched. Its anger was like that of a phantom's. It berated them. It loathed them just as it loathed me. It taunted them and called them names. It was so angry and excited to get rid of them once they came home. It was excited to see them clutching their stomachs, screaming at it.

Valt11: what have they ever done to the monster?!?! 

xShu: Nothing. That's what they did. The monster was a beast and unlike humankind. I'm so scared of what is happening. I wished I never saw it or have it happen. Valt, it's time to go. I'm sorry. I have to keep running. 

xShu: Please stop texting me now.

Valt11 : WHAT

xShu: Please. Take my warning and leave

xShu: Maybe there's people already coming after the monster. Maybe they saw it running through the streets trying to chase it down. 

Valt11: but i still wanna help plzzzz

xShu: There's nothing else to be asked. You used up your chances

Valt11: still i wanna help

Valt11: even if its somewhat odd and out of the blue and scaryy

Valt11: ur place was never haunted in the first place. theres also nothing fishy during all the times i visited

Valt11: theres no sense in the monster killing ur parents. ill ask the adults if they saw a monster or sumthing weird


Valt11: no it wont

xShu: Japan is insane. There's so many monsters and ghosts. So many crazy beasts after us in the darkness and within us. Waiting to pounce and take us. Please, Valt, no. I have to go now. I've shared too much and so did you.

Valt11: if u get hurt then so will i. the monster will take us down together

xShu: Stop. Stop it. The monster doesn't have a reason to target you unless you do something. 

xShu: Just go

Valt11: we r friends

Valt11: i have to save u from it

Valt11: ill stall the monster

xShu left the groupchat

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