Our Friend

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As a Blader, you are attentive of your Bey's power and potential. You two are partners, and take pride in working together to win matches. No matter what others say about your Bey, only you are in charge of making your partner go to its very best. And sometimes, you even rely on your Bey. Hopefully, it is nothing too bad, right? No one can rely too much on their Bey. But sometimes when they do, it could either be good...or plain bad. Every one of you have been familiar with possession and Bey spirits, but could there be something else within the Bey? Or something else that the Bey can do itself? Or, what if, something you didn't expect from a Bey?

There were five friends sitting around, enjoying their evening at Shu's place. He was done cooking with famous carbonara, and was now giving them the food. They all sat at his dining table in a semi-circle, with one window uncovered so that the sunset's light could come in. Everything was relatively normal. It was only a casual dinner at Shu's place; and even though his parents weren't home, Shu was doing quite fine. Thirteen and home from America, he took the opportunity to be with his friends. Just this one moment, actually.

"Hey, Shu?" Valt asked from the table, just as Shu came by with his own plate. Valt watched as he took a moment to sit down. "May I ask ya something?"

The others — Daigo, Rantaro, and Wakiya — didn't mind Valt at all. Shu was Valt's best friend, so there was nothing to pay mind of. Just let the two of them do their own thing, and all would be fine. But the weird thing was that the friends were silent, all until Shu decided to speak up. In fact, it was like Valt and Shu were invisible to them. And that would soon be a bad move.

They started to take interest when Shu spoke up. Somehow, he seemed a little bit more bland and not so enthusiastic. Perhaps he just matured, or still recovering from the past. Nothing wrong, right? "Yes, Valt?"

"I was wondering...I'm glad you wanted to spent time with us," Valt breathed out in relief. For a moment, it was unsettling because of the slight anxiety anyone would've gotten. It was like Valt might say something dark or upsetting. "But, you really want to be with us? And do you remember what happened two years ago?"

No one groaned except Wakiya. Of course, someone had to do it. Two years ago was when everything was sad and wacky and chaotic. It was two years back when Shu had been in his mind's personal hell. He had been consumed by his own greed and power, especially under his Bey's control. None of them had ever thought about that happening; to them, it just seemed off and so unexpected. Valt just wished that it would never happen ever again. No one deserved to be controlled by their own Bey like that.

"Of course I do," Shu answered, much to the relief of the Bladers at the table. Rantaro gave a warm smile, and Daigo did just the same. Wakiya didn't show any other emotion, but anyone could tell he felt just the same. "I do remember what happened awhile ago. I promise I won't let that happen ever again."

"I'm glad you're here, buddy," Valt smiled at him, and Shu exchanged it back. "I'm so glad you are yourself again."

Daigo spoke up next, his black eyes wide with gratefulness. "I don't know what the Snake Pit did to you, but I'm glad that Ashtem creep is gone. Wherever did he went, anyway?"

"Who cares about him?" Wakiya spat, almost losing control of his chopsticks. "That Ashtem creep doesn't matter anymore. He's gone now, good riddance!" all of them looked at him in a weirded out manner, but Valt was the one to smile sheepishly at his reaction.

"I'm just darn glad Shu is here, and not something else. The Snake Pit gave me heebie jeebies anyway," Rantaro sighed out, and placed another scoop of carbonara in his mouth.

"That's in the past," the albino reminded them with the same smile, and they eagerly glomped down the food. "We won't let any Beyblade control us. A Beyblade deserves to be our partner, not a slave and not our controller. We are two in one." somehow, his words didn't have a meaningful ring to it. It seemed almost meaningless, as if Shu didn't matter to this world anymore. Maybe it's because he moved onto being a team owner.

"And that's what Valtreyek and I have been for so long," Valt said after chewing down his share of carbonara. The bluenette then glomped down a couple more mouthfuls, and then shoved his empty plate aside. Full and tired, he sighed out. "That's what Beyblade is about. It's not about losing or winning; it's about having fun with our partners!"

"And definitely not getting possessed out of nowhere," Daigo added, though feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Rantaro gave a snort and crossed his arms. "Of course not. I'm so glad it didn't happen to me!"

"I bet if you touched Wyvron, you would have been possessed to death!" Wakiya mocked the yellow-haired boy, making him gasp in horror. "Oh, sorry. My bad. I didn't mean to mock you." he sneered almost teasingly, making Rantaro further shocked.

"Why you —" he almost bent over across the table to pretend-stab Wakiya with a fork. The blonde gave a taunting laugh, and Shu idly sat by as the fought at the table. Daigo was pretty much scared and confused, and Valt was not paying attention.

Although Shu initially didn't do anything at first, he stopped them by throwing his fork across. That scared the both of them, and they froze as the fork aimlessly fell onto the floor. It landed with an ominous klink onto the floor, and everyone sat silently for a moment. That was, until the arrogant blonde spoke up.

"Shu, what was that for?" Wakiya asked, raising his brows. Somehow, he was suspicious and concerned at the same time. "You wouldn't throw a fork like that, would you?"

"We didn't do anything! I mean, sorry for being immature, Shu!" Rantaro flailed his arms up in a surrender-like way, clearly panicking.

Shu just gave a chuckle. "You two and your bickering is quite a classic. I just needed to keep you to under control."

"And by doing that?" Wakiya questioned him, louder this time. It seemed like he didn't take lightly to stupid acts.

"Cmon, I would have done the same thing," Valt said, half absentmindedly as his eyes were closed. "It's a good way to stop you."

"Yeah, but it seemed a little immature, don't you think? Shu is much more sophisticated than that," Daigo glared at Shu now, and it was clearly evident that the raven-haired boy was suspicious. Shu got the idea, but didn't say anything about it. It was foolish for Daigo to be like that anyway. Shu was clearly a normal person right now.

"Let's forget it," Shu calmly said, without the friendly vibes to it. Yet, neither of the friends seemed to have caught that. Maybe except for Daigo, who seemed more weirded out this time.

So now Rantaro and Wakiya got back to being normal, and just sitting at the table to cool off. Just like Valt, they were taking the time to feel their best again. They were done eating their dinner, and they were full and satisfied. Only, it was Daigo who refused to finish his dinner. His eyes were somehow glancing at Shu every so often, jumping from looking at his plate to back at Shu.

And the raven-haired boy looked at Shu for one last time, his face blank with curiosity. Somehow, Daigo just needed to look at Shu to make sure everything was alright.

And on Shu's calm face was his own two eyes, red like blood and like Spyrzen's layer. And in those eyes, which were supposed to be tranquil and Shu-like, was something vile and animalistic. And in a flash, Daigo noticed a yellow glint in them, and something that unsettled him very much.

Daigo left the table and eventually left Shu's place.

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