Free's Deer

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Ever loved an animal before? It could be something as small as a pet, or something extinct like a dinosaur. Dead or not, it must be an animal. And for it to be dead, it must be alive. And with two components, there's a chance that it had once lived. Or perhaps, currently living.

Meet Free, the golden child who loved deer so much. Who fawned over them as if they were the best things in the world. In fact, deer could be his most favorite thing in the world. Regardless, he loved deer so much. And it began since long before he met Valt, when he was a child along with Kristina. 

And in the woods by the ancient-like Beystadium he loved, there was one deer he had always noticed. It would stand amongst the thickets and brush, its beady eyes just watching. It stood tall, but not so tall that it could be distinguished. And its antlers were large and pointed, mighty and proud with age.

Just as with the others, Free pretended that he wasn't aware of the deer. Through the times he practiced Blading alone, he was always aware of the creature. Free was somehow fascinated at how the creature was watching him. Sometimes, he felt like the deer was some sort of guardian; it did nothing except watch endlessly. That is, if Free continued to stand there.

Free remembered that it wasn't before long when he decided to talk to it. He remembered back then, when he jumped off the Beystadium and raced for the deer. He hollered and he called after it, sometimes turning its head back to see him. Though it initially ran away, he managed to find it after a game of hide and seek. But the deer always ran away when he got close, never allowing him to pet or touch it. 

Perhaps it likes to stay a distance, Free thought. He never knew that deer were friendly enough to stay a couple feet away. His parents have always told him that deer never liked having a human around; they would run away once they smelled humans.

But Free and his deer continued to be around one another. Him doing his Beyblading, and the deer with its docile eyes, watching. Some sweet, silence friendship. In fact, Free felt so spiritially connected — to the point he automatically knew when the deer was his deer. No identification needed.

It continued like that for a couple months. Sometimes, Free talked to the deer about his problems: It could range from dumb homework, to whether he should become the world's strongest Blader. 

And of course, it was always there behind the bushes. What a good deer.

And within that couple months, something had happened. 

There was a road by one side outside the woods, and he and Kristina were heading towards it. Free remembered why they went there back then; his childhood friend had thrown his Beyblade across the sky. She threw it from the spot by the road, and watched as it flung farther elsewhere. And he apparently never noticed how Kristina had a strong arm. And it would become something he poked Kristina about occasionally. 

"Oh my gosh!" Free gasped upon his feet landing by road, once he fetched the Beyblade Kristina threw. He had his hands over his mouth, and he heard Kristina coming from behind.

"Free, what is it?" she looked down at him with a worried expression.

"The deer!" 

And there was his deer, slump across by road edge with a small pool of blood. It laid motionlessly, its legs sprawled in a way that showed it was running. Its side was squashed, evidently destroyed inwards by something heavy. Some rib bones were poking out at uneven angles, as if they were misplaced after the incident. And worse of all, the side appears somewhat skinned and was even bleeding.

"Free, don't look at it," Kristina hushed and covered his eyes once he started whimpering. But when he started to sob, she knew it was too late to taint his eyes. "Oh no..."

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