Dear Lui

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Dear Lui,

I know you lost your Beyblade awhile ago. It sounds rather unbelievable to others, right? The great wielder of the White Dragon somehow losing his precious Bey — now that's some entertaining news right there. Whether by mistake or not, it's just that amusing. But given that it may be karma, that's even better. Karma has been waiting to find you for awhile, Lui. And here it is, now that you have lost your Beyblade. 

What will you do now without your Beyblade? Won't you get a new one? Why not borrow Gabe's? Or Shinki's? Or someone else's? Maybe you think they are weak. 

Never mind that. What if I told you that in the box I sent you — in which you pulled this letter out from — has your Beyblade? Alright, so you might not believe me. But do you want your Beyblade back? It happens that I have found it and thought it would be cool to give it back to you. You were at least lucky enough to have someone like me. Someone like me would be such a delight. I found your lost item instead of selling it elsewhere or throwing it in the trashcan.

I'm just joking. Karma comes in more ways than one, Lui. 

Like this letter. It's laced with all sorts of poisonous substances, and you're already inhaling it. You've been inhaling it ever since you started reading this letter of mine. It's too late. 

Even that Beyblade you are looking at right now. That's a fake Luínor I gave you — instead of its regular metal parts, I made a bootleg with lead parts instead. The metal should be crumbling in your hands right now, as it is inferior and you are inhaling some of it too. I hope you like lead poisoning as well.

Karma, Lui. It bites back harder than your actions.


A fellow Blader.

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