On A Birthday

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Enjoy! I hope this isn't as clichéd as it seems...But anyway, before I go on with my horror stories for BeyBurst, I have something to say. Feel free to ask me for an explanation of my full (and intended) interpretation of each story, or feel free to theorize one on your own!

"Happy New Year's," Silver Eye muttered from his seat at the table, gazing at the others on the ground. The others were sitting in a circle, partially tired. "Say, why are we still here? Why am I  still here? It's past midnight and I seriously needa go back to sleep." he spoke a little louder now, evidently annoyed despite being tired.

"Ahem, it is my birthday. I choose to keep the party up for as long as I want. I don't care if it is past midnight or not. We can also go back to bed at five and sleep until seven," Norman replied from on front of Silver, being the other only person away from the group. He looked at the others, and noticed how some of them fell asleep. Weaklings, he thought. Norman wouldn't sleep for a year if he had too, and everyone had been given a chance to sleep each night. This showed how stupid and weak everyone is.

Silver Eye stiffled a giggle. "Your birthday, and I'm surprised you didn't enforce guests at this party. Look, not even Black Eye wanted to come. And where the hell is Ashtem? I'm guessing he's too old for birthday parties. So much for that, right?"

"Black Eye I can understand," Gray Eye almost yawned, his mouth stretching a bit. "He thinks that Gold Eye is plainly creepy anyway. Do you see how he looks at people with a smirk? Or look like he wants to murder people? Maybe Black Eye was scared that he was gonna get beat or something."

"Shut up. I'm no one scary. He's just a weirdo," Norman sighed out. Apparently he found one other person to be annoying. Gray Eye was almost no problem, yet he seems to talk a lot more than the others. Then again, the others were talkative whenever they felt like it. And he had no power to stop the, at all.

Violet Eye was sitting on the cold ground besides Yellow Eye, who was fast asleep and using his personal pillow. If it weren't for the fact he twitched, Yellow Eye would've looked dead and still. It kind of satisfied Norman. "Or maybe, he truly was scared. I mean, who wouldn't get scared of this place? He's pretty much our living horroscope if you think about it. Or a seer, or a mindreader, or a —"

"Don't tell me you believe in that junk," Silver Eye rubbed his unmasked forehead, frowning. "There's a perfectly normal reason why he knows a lot. Being analytic, right? Or..."

"Whatevuhhh," Azure Eye muttered right right next to Yellow Eye, half-asleep. He sounded like he was drowning in his sleep or something. "Huuh hubba normal..."

"News flash, no one in here is normal," the violet-eyed male glanced, and spoke to the others. "Otherwise, we wouldn't be here for no reason, right? We are all old enough to quit Beyblade, and yet we didn't. Normal, everyone say?" his tone unsettled Norman a bit, reminding himself of...himself. "But the thing is, we might not be as normal as everyone thinks."

"I'm normal. There's nothing scary about me. Why would you think we aren't normal, anyway?" Silver Eye shoved his plate of cake away, the one he didn't bother to eat at all. He wasn't enthusiastic about Norman's birthday anyway. "I mean, I'm quite normal. I like things that normal people like."

"Like Twilight," Gray Eye almost bursted out laughing. But it was around 2:30 AM and being loud wouldn't help anyone. Besides, laughing out loud in a dimmed room wouldn't seem appropriate at all. Instead of a huge outburst from Silver Eye, he got glares. "Woah, I mean...Definitely normal. You go on, Vio." he looked over at Violet Eye, and the male gave a smile in return.

"No one here is normal. I mean, not in a scary way but like, you know. In a sense we're all special somehow," he continued, and Norman almost laughed.

"Special? I don't believe that. I don't think any of you are worth a lick at all," he said out loud, and the others almost seemed offended. "Not my words at all. Ashtem described you guys to me himself."

"Omigosh, I'm so scared," Norman turned to see Silver Eye making a mocking scared tone. He saw him pretend to crouch and tug on his hair, pretending to be scared and enraged. "I'm not normal! I am weak and I'm not special to Ashtem and anyone else at all. Maybe that's why Black Eye didn't come to your damn birthday party! You're sooooo mean!!" he pretended to do a high-pitched voice, and Norman found himself getting laughed at by the others. He gritted his teeth from just seeing them do so.

"So you are accusing me of being mean? That's sad," he sighed out, focusing on not getting too angry at the others. It would be a shame if they knew more about this.

Violet Eye hushed the commotion before anything got out of hand. "Let's not demonize people at all! I'm just saying that, what if everyone is not what they seem? We all seem normal now, but..."

"Are you scared of Black Eye? He seems capable enough to do some scary shit like 3 AM challenges. Or put a curse on us," Gray Eye noted, and that somehow turned the room colder. It seemed as if the atmosphere was now uncomfortable, and everyone was somehow stirred up. "I mean, I get that this is partially scary-story time, but Ashtem has a knack for getting weird people."

"Let's not forget people dying here left and right. And people going missing somehow. I think Ashtem is a madman, and he is definitely not normal," Violet Eye added on, much to Silver Eye's frustration. "I think that...maybe someone like Black Eye is doing some crazy shit against us."

The lavender-haired male almost facepalmed, and he glared at all the others. He gave the hardest glare at Violet Eye. "I think you are somehow trying to brainwash us, you know? I think Ashtem and Black Eye are normal just like us. Trying to make us awake because we're scared? Or are you trying to make us more alert, and to actually do something?" he had a point, actually. Norman was suddenly into Silver Eye's ideas, and had hoped that Violet Eye wasn't trying to stir things up. That would be really bad and scary.

"Come on. Now that I think of it, let's not talk about this. You know, the more we talk of lies and rumors, the more we actually think it's real. And then we start to believe all of it. Let's all drop the topic, and give Gold Eye his last birthday cheer," Norman almost thanked the stars that Gray Eye existed. This guy seemed pretty sane.

Norman almost laughed. "Of course, thank you. And I want to end the conversation with this conclusion: Assuming we are all not normal, you guys are the ones not worth a lick. And I will be the one who will be worthy of the Snake Pit. In the end, of course. The end where I will hopefully remain as the last Masked Blader."

"Overconfidence alert," Silver Eye yawned, seemingly almost too tired now. "Finally. I wanna sleep. I can't believe I chose to go to this crap on my own accord, and get into a creepy conversation with Violet Eye." he leaned back a little, and seemed like he could fall asleep in his seat.

"I'm not tired yet," Violet Eye stated, much to Norman's surprise. Finally, someone who could stay awake all night long. But at the same time, it made Norman slightly frustrated. "I'm staying awake, because I want to."

"Because you're scared," Gray Eye noted once more, though more quietly. "I can see it. You think something eerie is going on. Something...not normal."

"Haha, partially correct," he responded to the large man. "Stay awake or else the heebie jeebies kill you, they say." he joked nervously, and that probably scared the others a bit. Norman could feel it from each and every one of them.

Gray Eye now leaned back against one leather couch in the room, gazing off at the group before closing his eyes. "Maaaan...Maybe talking to Black Eye so much damaged your brain. Maybe he made you paranoid, I don't know. Would be funny if you learned anything at all from him."

"Yeah, I guess I'm sharing the same cuckoo attitude Silver Eye sometimes have," Violet Eye huffed out jokingly, glancing at the sleeping bodies of Yellow Eye and Azure Eye. "Speaking of which, I want something to drink. Thinking all the time sometimes makes me cringe at my own thoughts. Let's relax a little before dawn, then. Besides, I'm quite thirsty."

"The tea is ready just for you. Take it anytime you want," Norman gestured to the little teacup at the table, still warm from before the conversation. Violet Eye was not worth a lick at all, but he deserved the tea. Besides, he was so annoying that Ashtem wanted him gone. Just like how Black Eye never came here, because Ashtem needed someone to get rid of him. Norman was somewhat lucky that Violet Eye wasn't a hundred percent aware.

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