CHAPTER 19 - Jack learns about RVI

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At 08:55, Jack was five minutes early as he waited for Robbie, in the foyer of the Magna offices. No need for 'the uniform' today - his comfy old jeans, T-shirt, windbreaker, and sneakers - an easy choice.

He was standing and scanning the map of the Tracy estate on the wall, Debbie's note scampering around inside his head, when Sally, came through the door. The dark blue pants suit with matching short jacket, over a black shirt showed off her figure nicely. Probably a prescribed uniform as well. It. She had matching logo-free sneakers and smiled when she saw him her black hair tied up in a pony-tail that went down past her shoulders.

"Morning, Jack, you're off to Old River I hear."

"Morning, Sally. Yeah. Just waiting for Robbie."

"He's always a bit late."

"Then there's time for coffee. Can I make you one?"

"Yes please Jack, that'd be great. Black, no sugar."

Jack knew there was a kitchen to the left of the foyer area. He hadn't used it before. All he found was instant coffee and white mugs.

On the way back into the foyer with the coffee, he passed the black-framed Certificates of Incorporation on the wall and handed her a steaming mug.

"Sally, what do all these companies do?"

"Thanks for the coffee, Jack. Well, most of them are property holding companies. Those certificates have to be up there as this is the registered office of each one. It's a legal requirement. It also makes Magna look really big. For the prospects and customers, it's important Mr. Marx told us. Part of marketing, he said."

"That does make sense, I guess."

"Except for that one, River View Investments, RVI. It's not part of Magna."

Is that what Debbie had said? RVI? Maybe heard her say 'Investment' at some time. On the wall here, all along?

"What do they do?"

"Not sure. But they have an office in the building next door." Jack thought he may be looking befuddled to Sally for no apparent reason, so he turned away to look at the map of the estate land as he processed 'River View Investments, RVI' and kept the conversation trickling along.

"What do you think happens when all these lots are sold?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. I'm too far down the food chain to be in that discussion."

"How long will it take, do you think?"

"I have to mark the sold ones on the map. See the little yellow stickers? They're sold already. So, I'd say another twelve to eighteen months."

"How'd you work that out?"

"Well, there are 52 lots left out of the original 120, The size of the sales team stays the same, but the staff turnover is high."

"Why is that?"

"You've been in one sales meeting and seen what happens. It's a tough business. Most people don't last very long. Have to keep hiring new guys - like you. But the guys who are good at it make a lot of money. Like Robbie. He was exceptional. But it takes its toll."

Looking over the top of his mug, he waited to hear more.

"Anyway, there's more than enough to keep you guys busy. Always plenty of the 'repossessed' lots to sell."

"These repossessed lots. Does Magna have more than normal?" Jack paused. "Considering I don't even know what's considered normal." Jack paused again. "I'm rambling. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

Sally laughed. "I do actually."

Jack's phone rang. He saw Robbie's name on the screen, accepted the call, put the phone to his ear to say 'Hello', but didn't get a chance.

"Hi Jack, I'm running a bit late. Can you meet me downstairs? I'm in a dark blue Yukon Denali."

Sally had overheard the conversation and looked at her watch.

"That's about normal for Robbie, fifteen minutes late."

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