CHAPTER 8 - Lady Gaga attacks Conti

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Jack caught up with them as they got to the first floor. Their procession was the same as upstairs. Conti handcuffed behind his back. A cop each side holding an arm at the elbow and one walking in front, one behind.

There was Mrs. Brown standing ten feet back from the wooden door. She was staring at the pinkish glow from the streetlamp as it came through the rose-colored centerpiece of the wooden door. The light had settled on her white hair, giving her curls the same pink hues. Jack knew she liked to be there with the sunrise as it lit up the centerpiece and enjoy the kaleidoscope of colors moving through the glass and across the walls.

Lady Gaga was on the ground and started barking when she saw them approaching - running around Mrs. Brown's feet. Mrs. Brown turned and observed the spectacle coming at her like she was watching an animal documentary. She looked past the four cops and Conti to Jack.

"Jack! What is going on?" said Mrs. Brown, "Police. And who is this?"

"Please stand back Mrs. Brown, I had an uninvited guest. The police are seeing him out the door." The police nodded their heads at Mrs. Brown.

Lady Gaga started to bark louder and more shrill, darting back and forth as the six people got closer to her and Mrs.Brown.

"I hate dogs," said Conti as he took a swipe with his leg as she came close. Lady Gaga went into overdrive. She was little, but, like a fluffy mongoose. It was not clear whether Lady Gaga was defending Mrs. Brown or thought this was a game.

Mrs. Brown stepped to the side to let them pass, called Lady Gaga, but was ignored. Conti continued to swipe at the furry dynamo with his foot as he walked past Mrs. Brown. Conti's foot connected with Lady Gaga and sent her two feet high and four feet back, where she bounced onto her feet and came charging back to the fray. Mrs. Brown spun her bamboo cane in her hand and whacked it down twice on the back of Conti's fingers, hitting the broken fingers, causing an intake of breath that could be heard.

"You horrid boy," said Mrs. Brown, her voice getting the school-marm tone she must have had during her days as a teacher. "Behave or I'll hit you again."

Lady Gaga leapt, grabbed a mouthful of Conti's jeans and held on despite the gyrations of Conti's leg.

"Get this dog off of me," said Conti his mouth moving into a grimace, revealing gums as well as teeth and eyes wide enough to make his eyeballs bulge. "I hate dogs. Get it off me."

At less than two kilograms, Jack realized Conti had a fear of dogs that had nothing to do with size, it was pathological.

"Mrs. Brown, "said Jack, "Please stand well away. I'll get Lady Gaga for you."

She stood away holding her cane at the ready in one hand, the other against her cheek in horror as she watched her dog bouncing and swinging left and right, backward and forwards as Conti tried to shake her off, kicking the door making the glass centerpiece tremble then shatter, falling to the ground like sharp pink petals. Perhaps, Aunt Louise won't be happy about that.

"Hold him still so I can get the dog," said Jack to the cops as he reached down, saw his opportunity and grabbed the snarling furball, disentangled the teeth and passed him into Mrs. Brown's outstretched arms. Lady Gaga and Conti were both panting. Lady Gaga seemed to be smiling.

Two cops put Conti into the back of a black and white. The other two said Freddie had told them to wait there until he and Kenny arrived.

Jack escorted Mrs. Brown with her furry defender up the stairs to her apartment. He listened to her commentary on some of the bad people who existed in the world. Jack nodded as he did agree. He trotted back to his apartment - thinking.

This business with the file Debbie is supposed to have taken and they, whoever they are, will now believe I have a copy. Concerned? Not sure, as did not have all the facts. And are all the cousins as tough as this one?

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