CHAPTER 18 - Jack updates Freddie

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It was still dark, sunrise would start in 10 minutes, as Jack and Freddie jogged slowly through the yellow glow from the street lights shining in the thick fog. Kenny started training in the gym at six o'clock. This gave them less than five minutes to chat.

"How come the twins aren't in jail?"

"The lawyer Rizzo uses is beyond good. He's exceptional."

"Always respect the opponent's abilities, Eh?"

"Absolutely. "

Jack ran through his first day at Magna.

"This holding deposit," said Jack, "is an important part of their sales process. Is that legal?"

"It's not illegal. It does not hold the buyer or the seller to anything. It's a psychological gimmick often used in selling real estate. It has no meaning under the law."

"Which means I found nothing, except that the twins are known to Marx and O'Brien."

"But it's the first evidence we've had that some connection does exist between Rizzo and Marx."

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