"My friend," I say and he nods.

"She sounded upset because you didn't return her calls, I told her how you were possible just turned your phone off so you can have more time with Theo," He says looking out of the window.

"Then she told me how she called him too but his phone was turned off, and that Nick tried to call you but he had the same"

Fuck Elenora, you scared your friends.

"I told her how I will call you and she thanked me, telling me to call her back when you answer me," he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Then I called you, you didn't answer your phone after four tried I called you on your work phone because I knew you had to answer to that phone but it was just ringing. Then I started to worry, really worry."

I bow my head, feeling embarrassed and guilty of scaring my closest friends and family.

"I didn't know what happen. I end up calling Franco, explaining to him you weren't returning the calls, and that I was closer to your apartment. He told me how he was calling for backup but I didn't want to be false information so I told him not to do it"

Oh my, I just stare at him not knowing what to say.

"Which ends up him showing here," I hide behind my arms

"He didn't want to for me to go alone"

"So when we got to your door and saw your mattress and bedsheets outside of your door, we didn't know what to think"

"But the quietness that was coming from your apartment scared me, I called but you didn't return the voice."

"We broke the door Elenora, the door, how you didn't hear us," He was now angry. Asking me.

"I took some sleep pills, I couldn't fall asleep how much my head was hurting me," in disapproval shaking his head.

"The apartment was dark and quiet, broken glass everywhere we Thought someone broke in but then we see you on couch sprawled, I ran to you feeling your pulse starting to wake you until Franco stopped me showing me a broken frame of a picture, Theo and you, Franco told me how his stuff was missing and"

"And then you realised," I say fidgeting with my fingers "That we broke up" I finally found the word, feeling embarrassed.

How could I do something stupid?

Ralph nodes.

"I know the sorry won't fix how much I scared you all because of my childish behaviour"

Ralph shakes his head,

"You can't let this happen again if you don't want to tell me, at least tell your friends"

"I will" 

"Now tell me what happened, and why the mattress is outside"

"After you left me, I get to my apartment and everything was dark and quiet until I heard a voice. I thought he was just talking with someone on the phone until I heard Barbara's voice"

"Figilo di puttana" (*Son of bitch*)

I agree with him nodding my head

"They would have done it if I didn't barge in" I spat the words" They would fuck again" Ralph was listening but he was getting angrier

"He tried to explain himself, but I wasn't dumb. I told them that if they don't move out in three hours, I would call the police or something worse" Ralph chuckled.

"You know I was more pissed at her than him," I said trying to laugh out but my heart was in pain "You know best friends forever," I said

"And mattress, I just couldn't found myself to sleep where they done it"

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