Moving On And Wary Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Did you get to speak with him before he took it?" Ms. Midoriya asked.
Ochako nodded. "A bit but... he did not even recognize me." Ms. Midoriya shed a couple of tears. "He didn't know me either... I tried to stop him. Bring him home. Take him back! But... I couldn't..." Ochako nodded sadly. She checked her clock. She had work tomorrow and it was already pretty late.

"I'm sorry if this in uncool of me but why did you call me here?"
Bakugou, who had been otherwise silent, responded. "We just wanted to apologize." Ochako almost, ALMOST, choked. Bakugou apologizing?! "It was also my fault he turned out this way. I bullied the dang nerd back when we were both in middle school. I never thought he would turn out like this." Ochako rubbed her eyes. "Look, it's fine. Well, it's not, honestly. It sucks not having my quirk. But it's too late now and all we can do is move on. For a while, I entertained the idea of even saving Midoriya but it was all just false hope. We can't do anything, not even the government can. If they even tried, at this point, Midoriya holds too much power. I don't doubt that he could easily destroy a whole country single-handedly. There is nothing we can do so..." Ochako smiled, "...let's just make the best of it okay?"

Their conversation only lasted for about half an hour after that, Ms. Midoriya offering tea but Ochako insisted on needed to get home. Bakugou walked her to her car. The night air was chilly but nice. Ochako touched her car handle.
"Gravi- er... Uraraka," Bakugou started. "I can't really call you that anymore so... anyways, are you busy tomorrow?" She looked at him. "Why?"
"I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind-" His face scrunched up. "Arg! Enough with the dang formality! Go out with me? Will you?" Her brown eyes widened. "I- I- really?!" She could not believe what she was hearing

Bakugou looked her in the eyes, his crimson ones holding nothing but seriousness.

Ochako felt her face turn red. "I... I can rearrange my plans but I have nowhere to stay for the night. My apartment is pretty far."
"Stay at my house tonight then." Ochako gawked. "Are you kidding me?"
He glared at her. "No the hell I am not. I won't freaking do anything to you if that is what you are wondering. If you don't want to then just say-"

"Sure! I'll stay the night!"

Ochako followed Bakugou's car in her own, the moon shining its cold glow on the earth. She wasn't dating Mikumo anymore. She wasn't dating anyone at all. She couldn't save Midoriya and she could no longer be a hero. Sure, it hurt to think about sometimes and she constantly had to remind herself of that but... Ochako entered the blonde's house and he showed her to her room. She lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Things were different now.

It was time she changed with the times and moved on.


Izuku walked through the lit city of Valparaíso in Chile, South America. Dad and Shin were following him. The sun had just gone down and the lights of the city were shining beautifully. The three had just arrived in the country two days ago and for the past two days, they were scanning the city. Tonight they would start on South America. They had checked out all of the art that made the city famous and enjoyed their silent presence in the city. They were now on their way to a wine tasting.

The scarlet liquid swirled around and around in Izuku's glass as his empty hand rested on his knee. Tendrils grew from his unseen hand and twisted around the bar. The woman who had served them their wine squealed and dropped the bottom of wine in her hand. Izuku watched it fall. He was sure it made a loud crash but he did not hear it. He retracted the tendril. The woman began to apologize and clean up the mess as Izuku took the quirks of everyone in the room. He finished up his glass, as did Shin and Dad.

'All finished?' Dad asked. Izuku nodded. The three left, Dad saying their farewells.

Izuku licked his lips. It was good wine.

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