Run Away, Kacchan

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Katsuki swallowed hard. Deku stood before him, the blade just grazing the blonde's throat. He could feel the cool liquid of his own blood flow down it slightly. He didn't know why he had tried to provoke Izuku 'out' but he had a feeling that it would at least stall Deku. Though Katsuki couldn't quite appreciate the stab wound in his shoulder, he was appreciative of it working... Maybe. Deku had frozen just before penetrating his neck with a blade.

Everyone had frozen. The air was tense. The thought of using this chance to escape passed his mind but he put it aside. He knew better. He was badly wounded and Katsuki could feel his consciousness waning.

Deku suddenly jolted after what felt like forever. Katsuki winced as the sudden action caused the greenettes arm to move and the blade to sink just a minuscule amount forward. Katsuki held his breath. Please don't! Please don't! Please don't!

Deku retracted the knife, Katsuki letting out a breath he hadn't known he was holding in. Deku stood straight and lowered both his head and his arm. *CLANG* The knife dropped onto the cold, hard ground. "Deku?" Animation stepped forward cautiously. The masked boy shook his head. He mumbled something. "What was that?" she asked. "We couldn't hear you, Deku."

Deku's voice shook as he spoke. "Deku is no more..."

Everyone stopped. Katsuki didn't know the whole situation but he knew enough to know what that implied. One of which is that he may have just cause Izuku to force Deku out of position and perhaps... kill him.

"I can't kill him," Izuku whispered. "I'm sorry..."

Animation ran forward and hugged De- Izuku. "It's okay, Izuku," she spoke softly. Grimlin stepped forward and placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "We didn't think you could either but we had a feeling you didn't have complete control of it."

Katsuki, with his blurry vision, watched. These people that have begun to follow Izuku, the kid that Katsuki had tried so hard to put down for years upon years. Why was it so that Katsuki who wanted to be a leader in the hero world has fallen behind and now has to watch the person he turned villain rise to be the leading villain on the other side of the coin? Could it be that Katsuki missed out on what a truly great person Izuku could have been if he had only tried to push past his own pride? It was truly funny in Katsuki's mind to see that after everything he had done to try to alienate Izuku from others he still has found an even greater and larger group of supporters than Katsuki may ever have. Truly ironic.

Something that Katsuki has constantly told himself ever since Izuku first ran away two years ago passed through his mind once again.

I screwed up.

Izuku picked up the knife and went behind Katsuki. Katsuki heard the sound of slicing ropes and felt them drop. What he didn't expect was he himself to drop as well. His wounds and loss of blood tied together made it physically impossible for the blonde to keep his body upright on its own. The purple-winged girl caught him and helped lean Katsuki against the back of his chair. How pitiful that he couldn't even move himself to sit upright and his fate was in the hands of the person who he had put below him like a bug for so long. And yet... Izuku refused to kill him. The pity he felt was almost painful. Stop... it is not pity. Katsuki has always known that Izuku never once looked down on him. It was his own pride that leads to this. Only his own fault.

Katsuki heard something drop and footsteps. Izuku crouched down in front of him and Katsuki met his old childhood neighbor face-to-face, no mask or sunglasses.

"You need to go Kacchan," he said hurriedly.

"Whaa..." Katsuki felt his own words slur.

"You need to get out of here and run."

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