The lights turned back on and we sighed in relief, Kuroo was still grumpy about us and Kenma finally recovered.

Eventually, we finally finished going through the haunted house. All of us huffed out an exhausted sigh of relief and straightened ourselves up.

"Hey, let's go to Burger King! (Y/n) you're gonna come with us, right?" Bokuto said looking at me with expectant eyes.

"Yeah, I might as well tag along." I said with a grin as I stuffed my hands in my pockets. Bokuto cheered out happy to know I'm tagging along.

The five of us went ahead and entered Burger King to get something to eat, finding a table at the very back, we sat down comfortably.

Akaashi was gonna go order for us and we told him what we wanted as we gave him our money, he proceeds to head over to the counter while the rest of us wait.

While I was on my phone, I kept noticing Kuroo staring at me and then back to Bokuto then at me again.

The cycle kept going on and on, I was starting to wonder if something was wrong with his head.

"Hey." Kuroo called out.

I looked up from my phone to see his feline eyes staring at me intently. I rose a brow wondering what he wanted.

"Have you two realize you guys look almost the same?" Kuroo said pointing at Bokuto and me.

Bokuto and I turned to each other, looking at the other's features. Since Bokuto was sitting right beside me, I got a clear look.

We both rose a brow and turned back to Kuroo, confusion clear on our faces.

"What are you on about?" I questioned.

"Yeah man, I don't get it." Bokuto said, clearly confused too.

Kuroo sighs at us and proceed to point at the both of us, Bokuto and I turned to each other once again, still confused as to what this rooster was talking about.

The bedhead monster notices our confused looks and sighs once again.

"You both look like each other! As if you guys are siblings!" He says like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"It must be a coincidence." I said leaning back onto my chair.

"Yeah bro, I don't remember my parents telling me about having a sister." Bokuto said.

Kuroo still doesn't seem to believe it and eyes us to our very last feature.

"But you guys look so identical! Like the foreheads, cheeks, the way your eyes are placed, and formation of your guys' jaw!" He tells us pointing out what was identical.

I stared at him like he was crazy, but the way he said it made me remember what Sugino told me last time.

It was when Bokuto bumped into me and gave the owl keychain as an apology, right after we went our separate ways Sugino told me the similarities we both had.

Like our cheeks.

And I wasn't denying the fact that I could possibly be related to Bokuto, after all I am adopted. But, there are a lot of people who have other people look just like them.

I just can't go ahead and assume every person I met who looks kind of like me, is somewhat related to me.

"It's just coincidence, there are a lot of people who have their doppelgangers." I said.

"What she said." Bokuto said agreeing nodding his head up and down.

Kuroo sighs once again and decided to leave it be. Eventually Akaashi came back with our orders and we started digging in.

Hold up......What? (Karma Akabane x Reader x Brothers Conflict)Where stories live. Discover now