"Chris." I heard a voice call out which had the aftereffect of nails scrapped on glass.

I barley could see anything when a girl barley my age wedged between us and wrapped her arms around Chris just like an octopus would wrap it's tentacles around it's prey.

"I missed you so much." She rambled barley noticing Chris's widened eyes.

"Hi, I'm Macy, Chris and I are friends."she smiled at me, clutching his hand.

"Hello, I'm Gwen." I said trying my best to smile. I didn't like the girl one bit, her lipstick was too red, her dress was too short, her face was like a preying mantis.

Why do I not like her?

"Did you miss me?" Macy purred her smiling mischievously.

"Of course, Chris always talks about you." I told my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Do you want to dance with me." she squealed and tugged him to the dance floor.

"I mean... I'm not that good at dancing, Alec is the good one. Fine but only once." he resigned when she pouted.

I hate the way she wrapped her arms around him, I hate polite way he smiles at her, the hate the darn man for trying to do something he clearly didn't like in fear of hurting someone's feelings. I hated the way she whispered things causing him to laugh, I hate the admiration she had for Chris, I hate that they seem like the best couple in the room.

All in all I hated him.

Way to sound like a psychotic, jealous wife.

I am so not.

Could have fooled me.

"Gwen." I heard Luke call out, causing me to bounce out of my inner monologue. I cast a longing look at Chris, the pig head was twirling Macy around. I wished she would brake her heel and fall down. Would serve both good for looking so good together.

"Meet my wife Maria Smith." Luke proudly introduced to me.

My eyes nearly bulged out of my sockets when she pulled me into a hug. I slowly relaxed and patted her back.

"I heard so much about you. I was so excited to meet the person my husband and son rambled about." She said smiling warmly.

"I got you both a small gift." I said in a small voice and pushed an envelope into her hand. I hoped they would like it. I'm not very good with giving people gifts, if you can count the number of times I dumped stones into a gift box and left it on my sister's bed.

"Time for the cake." Alec rubbed his hands together smiling widely.

"Please tell me you guys didn't bake that." Maria demanded hands on her hips.

"We would probably posion the whole place." Luke admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Drink in hand I smiled wishfully as Luke and Alec argued, threatened, called each other names for the last peice of cake. Stopping both of them from slamming each other's head on the counter, Maria smiled sweetly and whispered something to both of them, they surprisingly broke apart and mumbled a half assed apology, she grinned handing over the slice to Chris.

This is what a family should be like, they bickered, they fought, they strived to make each other miserable, but if any problem came their way, the first one's to either hold your hand, or make plans to egg someone's car, or even sit in jail with you, they wouldn't think twice about it. A pang of sadness flickered through me, tightening my chest as memories swirled around in my head as I remembered my parents and sister. I smiled at the scene before moving to sit in the garden.

"Want cake?" Chris asked smugly showing me a big slice of cake and two forks and some tissues he balanced in his hands.

"Never expect me to say no." I laughed eagerly patting the bench I sat on.

"Wow, you must like really like me to share that." I joked, stupid Gwen. Do you always have to blurt out the first thing that comes to your head.

"I think I do." he said almost to himself, great now I'm hearing things, and that is such a good sign of mental stability.

"What are you doing here?" he asked pushing a forkfull into his mouth.

"Seeing you so happy and relaxed with your family, may have kinda reminded me of mine." I answered shoving a big bite into my mouth.

"What are they like?"


Why is my subconscious like this?

"They're not nice like yours, I could use the word... complicated." I tried putting them into words.

"All family's are." he grinned pushing the plate towards me.

"Tell me about it." I mumbled leaning my head on his shoulder, he pressed a kiss to my forehead and wrapped his hands around me.

"Macy seemed awfully nice." I probed.

"Jealous?" he asked turning me towards him.

"Hardly." I scoffed,

"I mean you guys never... went out."

"Gosh no. She deliberately goes out of her way to make me uncomfortable. She's engaged actually." he said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Great." I said, trying to be disinterested.

"Someone's very curious today." he still didn't drop the topic.

"I think I'll leave, it's getting late." I mumbled, knowing how good he is at interogation and how well he sees through my lies.

"Gwen wait."he said tugging me against him, my hands wrapped around his neck and he lightly held my waist. I looked into his grey eyes, our lips barley an inch apart. I breathed loudly and tightened my grip on his neck.

"Were you jealous?" he asked pressing his forehead against mine.

"Yes." I couldn't lie even if I tried.

Chris gently ran his hands through my hair, and I brushed my thumb along the nape of his neck. A zap of energy flowed through me, my knees felt week, my breath eractic, as he slowly and laundily pressed a deep kiss to the corner of my mouth. He stopped to see if I wanted to pull away, when I didn't he slowly brought his lips near mine, I closed my eyes wanting to feel this moment, I wanted to feel his warmth near me.

His phone rang.

And we pulled apart.

Chris cursed under his breadth and settling an apologetic kiss to my cheek he spoke into his phone, hissing loudly, he ended the call took my hand and led me back into the house.

"We have a problem." was all he said.

My next update will be Monday.

This chapter needs editing, and I will do it. Please ignore any mistakes, I just have so many things going on and my head is messed up.

I promise the next chapter will be good, and the story will be picking up.

When I started this story I didn't expect more than a hundred reads, and it just makes me so happy to see so many of you voting and commenting. Thank you.

Until then.

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