Chapter 15

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Okay so  as you can see I changed this chapter up a bit from the rest. You get to see what's going on in Shawn's head!


Shawn's P.O.V.

'A simple kiss to bring her back'

I went out to a garden inside the hospital, trying to clear my head. Everything that had just happened was a lot to take in. The doctors told us that she had been drugged by something they haven't figured out yet and that's what caused her to be suicidal and she even almost overdosed on what was given to her, so Jorel really was trying to kill her. They said they had contacted the police and they would start an investigation to find him and put him in jail, thank god that bastard deserves to rot there.

That's not the only thing that is eating at me I love the girl, but I'm getting married soon and I don't want to break Mia's heart. Its just every time I look at Ashley and see how alone and helpless she is I just want to hold her, telling her that everything will be alright. I want to protect her from her pain, but I have no clue how. I wish that there could be someone for her that could make her feel happy because I want to so badly, but I know I can't. Either way I go I'm going to hurt someone, what the hell can I do?! There's nothing I can...  

My thoughts stop when I see something rather suspicious, I hide against a wall and peek over the side to see my fiancee and my best friend's ex sharing a passionate kiss. I used to figure that if this were to ever happen to me, that if I ever found out that Mia was cheating that I would be heart broken, but strangely I wasn't. That's when the realization hit me; I didn't love Mia anymore. There was no pain and I understood that I have been keeping my engagement simply because of guilt. Now that I know this there is only one thing left to do, get the ring back and cancel the wedding.

"Will she survive?" I hear Mia ask when they let go of each other.

"I'm not sure..."

She cut him off quickly, "What do you mean you're not sure?"

"I think the doctors got it out her system in time. I heard them say she almost overdosed on the meds." 

"Jorel! Why did you let him find her?" She half heartedly yelled.

"I'm sorry. I though she would have killed herself by then. I can't help it that she picked something slow." He argued.

"How is this supposed to work if you can't do something as simple as kill a little girl? I figured she'd be easier to get rid of since she loves Shawn so damn much and can't stand the thought of losing him!"

I felt a pang in my chest and thought, 'Even Mia knows it, why do I always choose to ignore the way Ash obviously feels? Well I won't anymore.' 

"That's why it was so hard. I couldn't make her fall for me, it would have been so much easier to kill her if that was the case."

"Dammit! I should've known! I knew from the day he almost kissed her that she figured out she loved him. I knew from that moment she could be the one thing that stops this from happening.'" 

"No she won't, she can't stop me." Jorel replied.

With all that I knew I stepped inside and called the officer I had spoken to early about arresting Jorel.

"Yes, hello Officer Snow? I've found Jorel Decker."

"Alright Shawn, thank you. Where is he?"

"Right outside the west wing of the hospital." I tell him quietly.

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