Chapter 5

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Hey peoples!!! I hope the last chapter was a good one!! Well this chapter will be introducing two new and very important characters, so be looking for that. Oh and I'm gonna break your little heart muhahaha!!! you'll see.... Oh and there is another new Alesana song out yay!!! October 18th hurry the hell up!!


Oh my god! I used to be in love with that band, but that was before I had ever heard of Alesana. I beam out a smile and ran so fast that I began to leave Shane behind. When we approached the house I saw another large tour bus sitting on the edge of the road and a man standing in front of it, pecking at what looked like a cellphone. I slow down and simply walk up to him.

"Are you the co-manager?" He asked me glancing at me from over his phone and then shoving it in his pocket.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you. My name is Ashley." I put out a hand for him to shake.

"I'm pleased to meet you as well, my name is Richy and I am Hollywood Undead's new manager." He toke my hand with a firm grip and shook it.

Then the bus door next to us opened and out walked the boys of HU. I had the hardest time not letting my teenage self take over and start screaming like a little girl. I tend to have issues with being star struck when we go on tour with bands I am a fan of. They all gave me big grins and began introducing themselves. It went in this order: George, Matt, Jordan, Dylan, Aron, and Jorel, but for those that don't know their real names it would be like this: Johnny 3 Tears, Da Kurlz, Charlie Scene, Funny Man, Deuce, and J Dog.

I told them my name and how happy I was to actually be able to meet them in person because it was true, I adored these guys for two years straight. Afterwards I got all the guys together and introduced them to everyone, even though this was Clayton's job. I swear he does these things on purpose because the guy is never on time for any of this. Thank all that is holy that when I went to find Shawn I found him with Alex in the den so I didn't have to say anything directly to him or even better we weren't alone.

I introduced them all like this holding my breath at the final name, "This is Shane, Dennis, Patrick, Alex, Jeremy, and Shawn."

When everyone had met each other our manager finally decided to show, I decided it wouldn't be mature of me to smack him upside the head in front of these people that didn't know me so I went onto our bus to make sure we had everything we needed. I figured that everyone was busy talking to each other so I didn't notice the fact someone followed me in.

"Hey." A male voice came from behind me causing me to practically jump out of my skin. I quickly turn around to see Jorel with an impish grin on his face.

"Oh, hi!" I answered, trying to cover up that he had startled me.

"So are you going on tour with us?"

"Yep, I have to help set everything up for shows. So they kinda need me." I say with a laugh.

He laughed as well and that made me smile slightly, which is odd.

"Well then I was wrong."

"What do you mean?" I question raising an eyebrow.

"I figured you were that one guys girlfriend, wait are you?"

"Which guy?" I reply with a question all my own.

"The one with black hair and he had in a lip ring and a nose ring."

That answer made me pause for a second out of shock, "Shawn? No, no he's just my best friend. Honestly I'm not dating anyone right now."

"Well he obviously likes you then from the way he was staring at you." 

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