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*Three Years Later*

"S-Shawn? Come in here please." I called as my hands started shaking.  

He finally popped his head in the door frame, "What is it hun?"

I held up the small piece of plastic, trying to keep my hand steady. He squinted his eyes trying to see what I was holding and then they widened greatly when he read it.

"Does that say what I think it says?"

I nodded, "It's positive."

"We're gonna have a baby?" He asked.

"Yea." I breathed feeling shell shocked.

"Oh my god Ashley! That's fantastic!" Shawn shouted pulling me into a tight hug and pressing his lips over mine.

"So you're happy?"

"Of course! I'm going to be a dad!"

I smiled and asked, "So do you have any idea's for names?"

"For a girl I do."

"Really? Like what?"

"How about... Ainsley." 


I just want to say thank you to every single one of you that has read this story, its been so fun to write and I have loved everyone's comments. You all make my day I swear!! I wish I could hug each of you!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 

Oh and to those that don't know I am writing a sequel to this story called Tilting Her Hourglass. I'll be posting the discription in the near future either on this story or on my profile, so stay on the look out for that!!

So what did you think? Did this story turn out the way you thought it would? Anything surprise you? Was there something you didn't like? Let me know!! I love hearing from you guys!!

This isn't the end my dear friends, I'll be back with more sometime soon!!

Until then I love youss!!

Update: Tilting Her Hourglass first chapter is up!!

Here's a link: http://www.wattpad.com/10144264-tilting-her-hourglass-sequel-to-as-we-wish-chapter

or just go to my profile ;)

Ak out!!!

As We Wish (Shawn Milke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now