Chapter 9

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Hi everybody!! Wow its late right now for me lol, so I don't have much to say.


It was really late in the night when Jorel got back from the show and I had kept myself busy with random little things to pass the time, the whole while I had been planning out ways to tell Jorel that I honestly wasn't interested in having a relationship with him. He stepped on the bus seeming to be a bit tipsy with his swaying steps, but sober enough to think clearly or at least that's what I'm hoping for. 

I nervously bite at my lip as he toke a seat at the small table and smiled up at me. I toke a deep breath and decided to just start with small talk, "So how did the show go?" 

He hiccuped and chuckled, "It was great and there was so much energy, I loved it."

I grinned, secretly regretting that I had to do this to such a sweet guy. I mean from the very moment I met him all he has done is help me and this is how I decided to repay him. It made me feel terrible, but I can't lie to myself anymore I love Shawn and there will never be anyone else. 

I let the room fall silent before I asked, "Jorel do you really think this is gonna work?"

He gave me a confused look, blinking a couple times, "What are you talking about?"

"Us, do you think we can actually work in a relationship? Because honestly I don't see it happening." I say watching for a change in his facial expression. He looked shocked.

"Are you saying that you don't want to be with me after all?" He questioned with sadness in his voice, but I couldn't help to not notice that it didn't touch his eyes what so ever.

I hung my head letting my bangs cover my eyes and muttered, "No because I can't let go of Shawn, so I don't want to waste your time."

He stood up, seeming to be more clear headed then when he had first walked inside and placed his hands on my cheeks staring deeply into my eyes and murmured, "You aren't a waste of my time. I want to this work for us. I'll help you let go of Shawn if you allow me to."

I sighed closing my eyes, "Jorel I don't care about you like that. We're going to fast anyway."

"So what do you plan to do now? Break up with me and run to Shawn? He's getting married in a couple of months, he obviously doesn't want you that way. Do you not realize that or do you refuse to?" He hissed, his tone getting darker and his mood taking a total turn about.

I snapped my eyes open, feeling slightly angry and retorted his remark with, "Well you obviously didn't hear what he told me that day you and I got together did you? He said he loves me, so yes I'm going to tell him."

His facial expression became unreadable as he moved his hands from my face to grip my shoulders to the point it was painful. "No you're not going to do that, you'll regret it."

At this point I was beginning to get pissed off, "And hows that possible?"

His blank expression turned to a scowl of disgust and he picked me up by my arms from the floor, slamming me against the bus wall making me scream in pain. "You'll regret it because you will ruin Mia's plan and neither you or Shawn will live."

I gasped, horror seeping into my senses, "Jorel are you telling me that you were the guy working with Mia on how to kill Shawn?"

He leered putting his face close to mine and whispered, "I saw you that day. Hiding in the bushes with your big scared eyes."

I stayed silent as he brought a hand up to my jaw, stroking it as he spoke. I could feel tears welling up, the utter sickness of the though that I had kissed the man that wanted my Shawn dead.

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