Chapter 6

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Hey guys here's Chapter 6!! On little notes, this chapter has to do with dreaming mostly, the term angel of mercy means a female that is an assistant to a murderer, and I'm sorry about the wait!! Added one of my favorite songs off Alesana's new album as the video :) You better send me lots of love for doing this!!! Vote, comment, fan, and all those lovely things!!


'A most deep and subtle poison to welcome her unblinking eyes to eternal sleep.'

 As I pray for sleep there is one face that haunts me, so I don't dream there for I can sleep no more. You are the poison in my blood, where is my cure? Such a lonely fate, full of hate. Is there anyone to save me now?

Sitting on Hollywood Undead's bus as it drives down the freeway to God knows where, my tireless thoughts travel to the last thing that I thought would come to mind, how and when I actually knew I loved Shawn, when it stopped being a fan girl thing or idolised thoughts. It was back when my first serious boyfriend broke up with me, yes I did want someone else other than Shawn at one point, I'm only human. I had been hiding in my room crying since it was rather embarrassing to be eighteen and bawling like I was ten years younger. This was also when I learned to lock my door when I wept because it caused a terrible result. 

                                                           *A Year and Six Months Ago*

Curling in on myself, I pressed my face into my large pillow wrapping my arms around it and bringing my legs up to do the same. I felt so cold and more than anything else I felt alone. Angry music blasted in my ears from the headphones I had jammed in so they wouldn't fall out. At the song change I heard voices speaking outside my door, I put my Ipod on pause to listen.

"Whats wrong with Ashley?" I heard a voice whisper that seemed to sound extremely concerned.

"Slater left her." Another voice answered and I recognized it as Jeremy. 

"What? Are you serious? I'm gonna kill Slater, the little bastard." Now I realized the voice belonged to Shawn.

"No just leave it alone right now."

After that I heard their footsteps fading away, tears trailed my face as I fell into a restless sleep. Half an hour later I woke up to the sensation of being gripped tighter in something's hold and slow warm breaths of air against the bare skin of my neck. As I turned on my side to see what had a hold of me I realized two things. One, I had a blanket draped over me that I had been laying on top of and the pillow was beneath my head instead of in my arms, also my Ipod was on the nightstand. Two, a person was in my bed sleeping, holding me to them and it just had to be Shawn, he just worries about me to much sometimes. I let a small smile spread on my lips at his sweetness, in the only way he knew how to, by simply being there.

I laid my head on his shoulder letting in the scent of his maleness. Moving closer to him I noticed how warm he was and I reached out a hand to brush my fingertips through his hair and along his face, marveling in its softness. I placed my hand on his side and closed my eyes planning to go back to sleep. A few minutes later, right as I was falling asleep I felt a hand run up my left arm that was touching Shawn. My eyelids cracked open a tiny bit to find my personal space being invaded more than I would normally like.

Shawn smiled lightly as he let his hand rest on my shoulder, he spoke softly, "How are you feeling Ash?"

I allowed my eyes to open all the way, blinking several times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

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