Save Me (Part 1)

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aawww. so you guys love Dante? ^3^ Awww! Lol kay. Hope y'all like this chapter.


The man laid there, dying as his own father watched. He left his son, lying on the floor as some of his comrades followed him. One came in the room, a woman, same age as (Y/n).

Her pure black streaks, her lifeless and emotionless eyes and her pale skin that bares a scar. She knelt down, feeling the boy's slow heartbeat. She felt one emotion, pity. She fixed his hair and immediately recognized the man.

"Dante..." She mumbled...

She ruffled his hair, "I'll make it like the old days, don't worry," She secretly pulled him outside, with her presence and physical body undetected.

"I won't let you die." She whispered, taking him infront of Soul and Maka's apartment. She knocked on the door, laid Dante there and left.

"I won't let you die..." She said to herself, going back to the Eveleen mansion.


Soul and Maka were watching a movie, bored. Without Dante and (Y/n), life seemed colorless. The two cousin's were energetic even though they would do crazily funny stuff. They heard a knock on the door, and they both looked at eachother.

"You do it." Maka said, holding a book with a threatening look, as a response, Soul nodded with a groan. He lazily stood up, dragging himself to the door. He turned the doorknob slowly, and there revealed Dante, close to drawing his last breath. Frantically, he screamed Maka's name, which Maka came running in the room with a gasp. "I'll call Dr. Stein." She said, trying to calm her nerves as her weapon pulled Dante to the couch.

*Time Skip*

Dante's POV

I groaned, as I felt my stiff body twitch. 'I'm alive?' I thought, as I raised my head, looking at his bandaged chest.  The light blinded my eyes, it was morning.

"Ughhhh." I managed to groan out, trying to get anyone's attention

"Dante!!!" I heard different voices scream at the same time. The light was blocked by people with blurry faces.

The face started clearing, and soon, I was bombarded by questions.

"Where's (Y/n)?"

"What happened?"

"How is--"


The questioners were knocked out by Maka's famous killer move.

"Let him rest." She said, patting my soft hair and ruffling it. "He needs it."

They all nodded and left... Except for one. Tsubaki sat down next to me, near my legs. She smiled which made my hear flutter. (AYYEEEEEEEEEE LAWL. Do you guys want Dante to ge paired with Tsubaki? Or do you guys want one Reader-chan end up with him? I'll set up a game that everyone can participate in. And whoever is the winner, I'll put her in the story and pair her wit Dante. So what'd ya guys think ?)

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