Stupid Excuse Became True.

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Me: >____< Another Chappie! YAY! (=^_^=)

Black*Star: Finally! I have been waiting decades on what will happen to (y/n) and me!

Kid: No! It's me and (y/n) will have our special moment together!

Soul: No! We all now (y/n) likes me the most! And I'm sure something will happen with ME and (y/n)!

Me: ._. ... Chill... But idk who will have the moment with reader-chan...


Black*Star's POV

"(y/n), what happened?" I asked,

"I'll tell when the gang's here." She smiled sweetly at me and I blushed, "Okay... A God like me can wait..." I pouted, avoiding eye contact, making Tsubaki giggle.

~Time Skip demanded by Kid~

Your POV

Kid, with Liz and Patty soon came... But where's Soul and Maka?

"(y/n)! Are you alright?! Does something hurt? Can I do anything to help?" Kid asked, checking every inch of my face.

"I-I'm fine! And where's Soul and Maka?"

"Soul fell asleep in class again, Maka was left with Soul so she could wake him up. Liz, Patti and I went ahead."

"Is that so? Then we'll just wait for them."

Kid squinted his eyes at the one and only, Black*Star, "I thought your stomach was hurting?"

"It went away as soon as I saw (y/n)!" He grinned,

"Why didn't you go back?"

"I wanted to stay with (y/n)! Besides... It might hurt again once I leave." His grin widened.

Kid glared at him while Maka and Soul came.

"(y/n) What happened?" Soul rushed to me, repeating the same thing that Kid did.

My face flushed a little red because of Soul's face, an inch away from mine. Dante pushed Soul's face away from mine a little annoyed.

"My head ached, I'm sorry. And it hurts a lot... And you might be wondering, why I was shivering... I wasn't sure... Ahehe... I guess fever?"

"Fever?!" Kid pressed his forehead on mine.

I blushed bright red and Soul with Black*Star pulledKid away.

"I was checking (y/n)'s temperature..!!" He shouted, struggling,like a maniac.

"Then! Is her temperature normal?!" Soul asked, still pulling Kid away from me

"No!" He answered,


I felt Dante's palm on my forehead, his palm is so cold.

"You're burning!"

"Burning? Your hand is just cold!"

"Nope! You have a fever!"

"I guess... But I feel fine..."

Third POV

You scratched the back of your neck, why? You simply was embarrassement because of your lame excuse of a fever, that was actually real.

"(y/n) Why didn't you tell us you had a fever?"

"I didn't even know I had a fever... I feel fine!"

Dante shook his head, "Anyways, (y/n), I'll get you a sandwhich... Wait here."

"Ah sure!" Your eyes sparkled knowing that you get to eat sandwhiches!

Ring Ring (Soul Eater Boys X Reader-chan!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora