Icecreams and Memories

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Hi guys! Uh, so. Thank you for answering my question, Ziascott6-san and 12291ljm-san! So I uh... Put a pic of your cousin Danteeeee! He's cute, he's my precious Dante. XD Lol jk. The upper one is without glasses and the lower one is with glasses, but his eyes are supposed to be grey-ish, but if you want green then go LOL. I ain't forcing ya. You're (MORGAN) free man! Also, Thank you BlackAnt-san for teaching me how to put photos ahah! Anyways! ON WITH THE STORY!


The photo's not mine. I just found it. But he looks like my OC Dante... AND ACTUALLY! He is Shishio Satsuki from Hirunaka no Ryuusei. Ah I love him! I love your cousin! And Shishio! Lol JK! But seriously tho. MY Shishio! XD And Don't mind the smoke!  Ahaha and! I forgot that Kid's moment with you is supposed to be on chapter eight... but... LOL I FORGOT!

Kid: When will you notice me(Senpai)!?

I dunno... ok.. ok... I'll just surprise you.

Kid: You better! *pouts* *whispers* I want to have my moment with my symmetrical angel...


You got out of the clinic with everyone. You showed your deterination to be in EAT Class by beating an EAT student, whose name is Black*Star. You kicked that egoistical freak's butt. But! You loved him very much. BUT! (so many damn buts!) He wasn't the only one you had your eyes on. Soul and Kid were still there.


Class started. Students were gossiping about you and Black*Star, but mostly Black*Star.

'I heard she beat Black*Star'

'Ha... Black*Star bein beaten by a girl, pathetic.'

'No, I heard Black*Star just let the girl win.'

'Really? But the girl wasn't even sweating.'

'Yeah... Then Black*Star's weak.'

'He just sleeps in class'

You glanced at Black*Star who IS sleeping.

'How can he be in EAT Class if he was beaten by a girl?'

'Yeah, and he even kept on bragging'

'He's all talk'

Your temper was rising. How could they say those thigs to their fellow classmate? Plus, they're wrong! Black*Star is strong! And... They were talking about him behind his back. It was awful. Just because the bluenette can't hear them doesn't mean they can do that!

You balled your hand into a fist. You could just give them knuckle sandwhiches.

(Haha get it? Coz you love sandwhiches? Haha Sarcastic Part Of Brain: Oh my god... Why would you, Gwyn,  throw a horrible joke like that?! I'm crying, because you, the author o f this book, suck so much!

Author: Meanie!)

You were in the verge of standing up and rampage. But Dante held your hand and unravelled your fist.

"I'll handle it." He whispered. But before he could even do anything, Kid stood up and slammed his hands on the table.

"Will you please stop talking about Black*Star and (y/n) like that?!" He asked, irritated.

Everyone was silent. Dr. Stein was quite surprised.

"It's really bad of you to backstab your own classmate. It's wrong. And Black*Star and (y/n) are strong! They're not weak! They're strong! And. Backstabbing are for scums. And I'd like to think you guys aren't scums!" He coughed, and fixed his clothes and sat down like nothing happened.

Ring Ring (Soul Eater Boys X Reader-chan!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz