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Ok, so PLEASE don't hate me. Never mind, it's too late. So, I was re-reading the whole thing, and I got to the last chapter and I was like, "oh my gosh I don't remember this! What did I write next!?" And then i realized I didn't write anymore. Another thing, I promise to update more frequently, but you guys are gonna have to wait a little while because I'm gonna try to write like five more chapters so that I can work and let things out without an angry Percabeth mob chasing me. Also, I have not edited anything in this story what-soever, so when I'm done I'm gonna go back through it and fix everything, plus make it less. . .cringey, unless someone can do it for me, but preferably within the week. Ok! 

Annabeth pov

I saw Helen's black jeep (Cuz why not?) in the parking lot and started hyperventilating. 

"Percy! She followed me!"

"What! Move! Come on, out the back door, before she sees us!" He all but shouted. 

He grabbed my hand and pulled it around him, supporting my stupid broke, sprained body. I was flipping out inside, but I desperately tried to put on a strong face. 

"I'm fine, we're fine," I murmured to myself hoping it would come true. We just barely passed our friends without them noticing us, and were out the door exactly when Helen entered the restaurant. 

"Where are we going!?" I asked Percy, my tears threatening to spill.

"We're going to the bridge so we can sort stuff out. I'm gonna call my mom and ask her to come home. Can you run?" Percy asked.

"Yeah. Maybe. No! Percy, I can't even walk by myself, what do we do?!"

"On my back. Now." He probably would have smirked if the situation wasn't so suckish. 

"Fine. But only because this is a life or death situation." 

I jumped on his back and bit back a scream. We went as quickly as possible to the bridge which was like two freaking miles away. half way there Percy started panting. 

"Stop, Percy, take a break, now." I demanded.

"No, it's fine, we're almost there anyway." He replied, clearly out of breath.

"Perseus Jackson put me down right now before you faint!" I yelled in his ear.

"Fine," He humphed, "But only because you look really cute when you're mad." 

He set me down in the grass beside a ditch, and I leaned against him.

 "How much longer?" I questioned, "and what are we going to do when we get to the bridge? I don't know how much longer I can survive like this, Percy! I made a promise to my sister that I would get her back and protect her, but how can I do that if I can't even protect myself!"

Percy sighed and put ran his fingers through his hair, "I- I don't know. I don't know anymore. Annabeth maybe we need to contact the police. I know you don't want to, but you're right, you can't keep living like this. It's not healthy."

"No!" I shouted, "No. Percy we can't. Not yet, How am I supposed to save Mia when I'm only sixteen and a half? Police would never believe me anyway, my Dad would figure a way out of it, and then who knows what he would do to me. To you. and Luke, I-I can't." My voice broke, "Percy I want to, but I CAN'T." 

I was a mess. Mentally, emotionally, physically. I cried. Hard. Percy closed his eyes and leaned his fore-head against mine. 

"Ok." Percy said finally. "If we can't tell the police, then fine. But we're telling my mom. AND our friend group. My mom won't go to the police if you really can't, and our friends won't either. They'll support you. Like I have. Promise."

I took a deep breath. "Ok. Fine, we'll tell them. But right now, let's go to the bridge. Figure things out. Helen, my dad, Luke. They all know where you live. We can't go back there."

Percy nodded, "Let's go then. Who knows where she is now."

I nodded and we left.

((((((((((^^^^^^^^IMA AVACODO!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)))))))))))))))))

When we finally got to the bridge Percy collapsed on the ground. Unfortunately, I was still on his back and had to bite back a scream. It didn't work to well though and Percy immediately apologized. 

"Oh my gosh Annabeth are you ok?"

"Peachy." I replied sarcastically.

"Ok," I continued, what's the plan here?"

"So, I'll call my Mom. and get her to come get us. She's like two hours away though, but that will give us time to rest. I will respond to the angry frenzy of people who have been blowing up my phone, and tomorrow we can talk to them further. As far as somewhere for you to stay, I'm not sure. Do you know anyone?" Percy was hugging me like the whole time he was talking so it was hard to concentrate. 

"Yeah. Maybe, I have a friend, she's nineteen now, and I haven't seen her in five years, but I know where she lives. It's not far from here, and she would probably let me stay there. Plus it's ten minutes away from your apartment."

"Ok. Good." Percy still hadn't let go of me, which I didn't mind. "Let's just sleep right now, ok? You are about to pass out, I can tell." 

"Am not!" I whined, "You're the one who carried all 109 pounds of me for thirty minutes."

Percy shrugged. "I once carried my six year old cousin and Nico at the same time for an hour straight. 

"Why?" I looked at him bewildered. 

Percy shuddered, "Let's just say I lost a bet."

I chuckled, "Ok, Seaweed Brain."

Percy hugged me close to his chest and I looked at him with a smile. He pecked my lips and leaned his head against mine. 

"Annabeth, I-"

A voice screamed out of nowhere. 

"Annabeth Chase you are so dead!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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