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This chapter goes out to lovebookstoo, who voted twice for my story, and is dedicated to ac42499 for commenting! I'm glad you like the story. 😉 Sorry it's late, family emergency.

Annabeth Pov

Why me, I thought desperately to my self, why me?

I had gone into the school with high hopes I would be totally ignored. For the first couple classes, that's what happened. But then, oh but then, there was history class, with Mrs. Hera.

I sat in the way back, minding my own business. Secretly listening to music with knock off air pods. Mrs. Hera started talking about the American revolution, a class I had already aced last year, in my old school.

But then, she said my name.

"Annabeth? Ms. Chase!"

"Yes?" I squeaked, pulling out my air pods in a way she would hopefully not see me.

"Answer the question on the board please." I squinted at the board. Oh come on dyslexia, now is not the time.

I would probably regret this later but Oh well.

"I'm very sorry," I started, mustering the best sympathetic, sad voice I had, "but I have dyslexia and can't read the board, I'm sure if the question was read aloud I could answer it though."

Snickers and rude jokes were immediately heard throughout the room.

I sighed, I was already regretting it.

"The question Ms. Chase, is, How many American Colonies were there that went to war with Great Britain in the American War of Independence?"

"13" I replied immediately.

Mrs. Hera blinked in surprise, "Correct."

I smirked in triumph and slouched back in my seat, no loner paying attention to the world around me.

--------------Bob the like break------------------

Raven Boy is officially driving me crazy. He keeps talking to me like we're best friends even though he's popular and people are looking at him funny.

"Hey! What's your name? Mine's Percy."

"Annabeth" I muttered, blowing a piece of hair out of my face.

"Cool! Hey, why do you where a hoodie? To hide your face? What happened to it anyway? Did you get jumped or something? Mugged? Do your parents know? Did you see a doctor? It looks painful, does it hurt? Do you wanna see the nurse?"

10. 10 questions in 30 seconds. His ADHD must be way worse than mine. There's no way he doesn't have ADHD.

"If I answer," (Lie about), "your questions will you leave me alone?"

He paused but nodded.

"Yes I wear a hoodie because of my face. I got jumped. My Dad knows. I did not see a doctor. No, it doesn't hurt that bad. I don't need to see the nurse."

He nodded but didn't bug me anymore. Still, he looked at me suspiciously. Only like, three - fourths of that was a lie. It definitely hurts. I should see the nurse. I was abused, not jumped. But he doesn't need to know all that. I just met the kid and I just can't afford friends with my circumstances.

I sighed and slumped my head on the table. The food here sucks. Closing my eyes, I thought about a better world, a world with no abuse, no pain, and drifted off to sleep.

Percy had to wake me up a couple minutes later when the bell rang.

"Annabeth," he said softly, "It's time for class."

He proceeded to help me stand yet got caught short.

"Hey Percy!" A surprisingly pretty girl said. She had choppy brown hair with an eagle feather in it, and gorgeous kaleidoscope eyes.

"Hey Pipes," he replied, "what's up?"

"Jason wants to know if. . . " She trailed off when she saw me. "Whose this? Friend or slut?"

"Friend!" Percy said, "Geez Piper, you're gonna seriously offend someone!"

Piper rolled her eyes, "Well it's true! I make friends with everyone except for the sluts and jocks!"

"Well what about Frank?" Percy asked, "He's a jock!"

"Different!" Piper said, and then looked at me.

"What's your name? Where are you from? Why haven't I seen you around before?"

Questions, questions, questions.

"Annabeth, California, and I transferred when I moved." Came my single breath reply.

"Cool! Can we keep her Perce? Please!"

Percy laughed, "It's her choice, not mine."

Piper looked at me with puppy eyes, "Can we keep you?"

I blinked, it might be neat to have a couple friends, just at school. No harm could come if there just friends I see at school.

"Ok" I said slowly, "But go slow, I'm not used to having friends."

Percy looked at me both strangely and sadly, "How come?"

I stared at him in disbelief, can't he tell?

"I'm a nerd, and a misfit." I said slowly.

His frown changed into a soft smile, "Don't worry, our whole group is a band of 'misfits'.

I was confused, I thought he was popular. Wait! Group? Oh no.

"Group?" I asked quietly, we were walking to class right now.

"Yep!" Piper said, popping the p. "Don't worry though, you can ease into it."

I sighed but walked into my class none the less. We sat down next to each other and snickers were heard around the room. I got up and moved, trying to save them from embarrassment. They both looked confused, but said nothing.

I had no clue what I was getting myself into.

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