A New Start? Or Another Bad One?

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Annabeth Pov

I glanced at my alarm clock and frowned, it was 4:57. Good, I still had time. I groaned when I rose and felt the pain of last night's "lesson". I get two- six "lessons" a day. It wouldn't be as many, but I had to suffer an abusive father and boyfriend. I sighed, this was what reality had come to, my reality of course.

I grabbed a banana and slipped on a black hoodie. I didn't have time for make up today. Getting up early is something I'm used to now. If I get up early, and miss out on the wrath of Luke and Dad. If I could even call him Dad anymore. I walked out the door and headed towards the park.

I had a little over an hour before I had to go and suffer school. I was not excited for my first day at Goode High. Now I get to be bullied at school too. Yay! If you can't note the sarcasm something is seriously wrong with you. It also really sucks that I'm transferring half way through the school year.

At 6:30 sharp I hopped on the bus and sat towards the back. Shortly after the doors closed, they reopened. A boy with raven black, shaggy hair and beautiful sea green eyes walked up, trying to decide where to sit. I will not lie, he was hot. Like. . . Really hot.

Stop Annabeth, I chided with myself, a boy like him would never fall for a girl like you.

But I could still wish it was true, and that I did.

Surprisingly, the boy asked to sit with me. I was kinda used to this, boys were constantly hitting on me, but it was still strange.

I was not in the mood to talk so I just slid over.

Raven Boy, as I was calling him, had other ideas. He kept non stop pestering me, asking me random things. Even about my face. I tucked back a piece of blonde hair and banged my head on the window.

"Are you mute?" The boy asked.

That was it, "Do you ever freaking shut up?!" I yelled at his face.

He muttered an apology and guilt replaced my anger.

"I'm sorry, I'm having bad day."

It had only been like, two minutes when I felt something tug my hood.

Raven Boy had pulled my hood down.

"What the heck is your problem!"

I was really more scared than nervous, now everyone would think I was a freak. I should have covered it up with make up earlier when I had the chance.

"Sorry I just. . . What happened to your face, are you ok?"

The way he sounded so concerned, like he actually cared, made my heart melt. No one else ever cared about me. I was considered a misfit.

But I can't afford to get sappy, to let my walls down. After what happened last time I did that. . .

"What do you care?," I said harsher than I intended, "Just leave me alone."

I turned around again and put in my earbuds, I loved music, it was the only way for me to down out the crazy place I call my world.

Raven Boy looked sad, and I kinda felt bad for him. Maybe if I hadn't pushed him away, I would have a friend. I sighed, I knew I couldn't have friends, it was too dangerous. But I wanted one, so badly.

I listened to the song that was on, I'm ok, by Christina Aguilera.

Once upon a time there was a girl

In her early years she had to learn

How to grow up living in a war that she called home

Never know just where to turn for shelter from the storm.

I skipped the song after this. It was too much like my reality, not just a harmless song.

If I could run away, I would. But in order to do that, I would have to leave my little sister, Mia, behind. She was put in a foster care, near by, and I promised to rescue her. Plus Luke would be on my trail, and my life would become more of a living hell than it already is.

I sighed, and closed my eyes, focusing on the music. Anything that would help really.

I felt something touch me a moment later and recoiled.

Thankfully, it was just Raven Boy.

"We gotta go." He said gesturing towards the open bus door.

I jumped up and headed towards the front steps of Goode High.

I never would have thought of what was to come, that school day.

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