I Will Never Be Satisfied

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Ok, so for those of you who don't know, I recently hit 300 followers, and I'm gonna post a face reveal soon. But I lost a few followers, so I'm gonna wait till 310 follows, to make sure it doesn't drop again. The title name is from Hamilton btw, and just kinda fit. It's actually Annabeth saying it tho. Ok, so, here you go.





Percy pov

I started stuttering like a fish, "Annabeth I-I I like-"

"Guys! Wassup?!" Leo shouted. In my ear.

I thwacked him on the back of his head, using my eyes to tell him to leave.

Leo raised an eyebrow, "Where's Cally?"

I glared at him, that idiot could not take a hint if it was a freaking hellhound running him over.


He nodded and ran off, before I looked at Annabeth again. Her eyes were beautiful, but broken at the same time. Slowly glancing around, I started again.

"Ok, so . . . Sometimes. Even if. Gah! I-"

"Brooo!" Jason hollered, "Where's Pipes?"


Annabeth shook her head, before looking me in the eye.

I started again, "You see, it's just, I-"

"Hey Perce," Frank started, running through the door, "Do-"

"She's up the dang stairs now get outa my face!" Frank looked confused, but figured something was going on.

"Ok!" I began again,"Annabeth, look. I-"

"Hey," Nico ran through the door, "Do-"


Nico looked kinda miffed, "I was just gonna ask if you wanted some McDonalds."

I sighed, "Go."

He trudged up the stairs with an eye roll.

I grabbed Annabeth's hand and led her towards the kitchen.

"Don't you find it kinda strange that your whole friends group just came barging in, with no clue anyone else was even here?"

I thought about it, "No, it happens all the time. Piper's house is like our . . . Clubhouse."

She nodded, and I began again. "Ok, so like I was tryna tell you, I-I-"

"Percy where's Nico?" Asked Will, who was carrying a bag of McDonald's.

I looked at Annabeth for a second before grabbing Will by the shoulders and shoving him upstairs. The second after that I ran into the kitchen, grabbed Annabeth's hands, and kissed her so hard she was knocked back a little by the impact.

I was very happy with that choice, because in the middle of the kiss, Rachel came barreling through the door with paint all over her clothes. She immediately saw what happened, before shrieking and racing up the stairs.

"P-Percy, I-What about Luke? They know I have a boyfriend." Annabeth stuttered, tears streaming down her face. "I wanna be with you, but if Luke finds out-"

I nodded, "Maybe, maybe we should tell them?" I asked her.

"I barely know them Perce, I don't think I can handle that many people."

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