Chapter 12: Exes and Arguments

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Justin's POV

"Hailey, I promise you sweetheart, you look good in anything you wear. Now please come out of the bedroom, we have to get to Kaylie's birthday dinner!" I groaned. For once in a long time, my oldest daughter invited me and Hailey to something and now we're going to be late because Hailey is going through some emotional damage.

Hailey finally came out of the bedroom wearing a long simple black dress and black heels. "Fine, I'm ready." She said with attitude and walked past me grabbing her purse.

I stopped in front of her. "I'm sorry, it's just, it's been a while since my daughter has actually invited me, and you to something, okay? She's finally starting not to resent my anymore."

"I know, I'm sorry." Hailey apologized. "Can we go before we're late?"

We arrived at the dinner about 20 minutes later and was taken to the table in the back where Kaylie's party was being held. It was a small gathering of family as she said she already had time with her friends.

Of course, Hailey and I were the last to arrive. Kaylie stood up with a smile and came to give both of us a hug. "Dad you made it!"

"Of course. Sorry we're late." I apologized for the both of us.

"No worries." Kaylie said and showed us our seats.

Kaylie sat at the head of the table, I sat to her left and Selena sat to her right. Down my side was Hailey next to me and my mom sat next to Hailey and on Selena's side sat, Shiloh, Esther, Evan and Ryan sat at the other end of the table.

I was shocked to see my mother, as I haven't spoken to her in months. I was happy to see her, and she was happy to see me, but shocked that I guess Hailey came. Now wasn't the time for me to bring it up so I kept a smile plastered on my face.

I was not only shocked to see my mother, but Shiloh as well. I had a feeling Selena was dating, but I wasn't completely aware of it. It actually pained me to see her smiling with someone else.

"Mandy and Brian are out in Colorado for vacation." Kaylie said to me. "Thank you all for coming!" She smiled. "It's hard to believe I am 18! Who knew 18 years ago, I'd be produced thanks to a math packet!" Every adult at the table laughed.

Wow, 18 years ago my daughter was born, and I had no idea about her until she was five. My daughter has been living for 18 years and I've only known her for 13 years of it. The bitterness started coming back up, but I had to throw it back down.

"Make it count dad," Kaylie used to tell me.

"At least you don't have to worry about Kaylie becoming pregnant anytime soon, like you did Selena." Hailey brought up and I mentally sighed and shut my eyes.

Kaylie sucked on her lips and Selena drowned her whole glass of wine while staring down Hailey. My mom looked disappointed and Ryan and Shiloh stayed out of it while keeping the younger two occupied.

"I mean, no disrespect! If it wasn't for that math packet and no protection, Kaylie would have never been born!" Hailey covered herself.

"It's nothing to worry about, I'm protected, moving on," Kaylie said quickly, and I had to shake my head in a double take.

"What do you mean, protected?" I asked. "Are you having sex?"


"So, what if she is, Justin?" Selena spoke up staring me down.

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