Chapter 6: Demi Spills The Tea

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Selena's POV

"Well, that couldn't have been more awkward." Shiloh teased with a laugh as I walked him out of the house. "I'm glad I noticed the kiddos on the couch before, you know—" Shiloh began, then added, "Kaylie won't hate me, will she?"

I laughed as well. "Hell no. My daughter will take this chance and tease me every chance she gets."

Shiloh let out a breath of relief with a smile. "So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow? Or is that too soon?"

"We can see each other tomorrow." I smiled while biting my lower lip. "And maybe this time we can go to your place where there's no children."

"I'd like that." He smiled and leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving to his truck.

When Shiloh was down the road, I mentally cursed at myself for actually falling for him. This was my time to focus on being single and raising my children, not having some crush.

A buzz from my phone shook me from my thoughts and saw it was a message from Ryan.

We need to talk, ASAP!

I wondered what could be so important. It was close to midnight, so whatever it was I knew it was very important. Maybe about his job or something about Evan?

I texted him back asking him when and where and not more than 30 seconds later he replied asking if I could meet him at his apartment. I texted him back saying yeah.

Before I left, I told Kaylie and George I would be back and where I was going and Kaylie gave me a look and I heard her mumble, "wrap it up," so I threw one of Evan's soft play balls at her, laughing.

I arrived at Ryan's around 12:45AM and tiredness washed over me. Maybe if I was too tired to drive back, Ryan would let me sleep in his guest room.

When I got out of my car, I noticed Justin's truck here too, and my heart sped up. What was Justin doing here? That made me wonder why I was actually here. Was Ryan trying to re-set us up or something?

I knocked twice softly on Ryan's door and was greeted with a smile from him. "I'm so glad you came."

"Why is Justin's truck here? What's so important that we had to meet up at 12AM?" I ranted nervously. "Is everything okay? What's going on—"

"Jesus Selena, you never knew how to take a breath and calm down." I heard a familiar female voice from the background.

At first, I thought my ears were tricking me. Then when Ryan opened the door further, I thought my eyes were deceiving me, so I rubbed them. However, the similar figure stayed right where she is.

I wanted to cry, scream, laugh, and hug her all at once. Then I thought about how she disappeared out of nowhere with her daughter. Then I thought of how Ryan and I had a baby together. So many thoughts ran through my mind, I thought I could pass out—and I did.

When I woke, my head was pounding, and I felt like throwing up. "She's gonna throw up, grab a trash can!" I heard Justin's voice say and a tattooed arm placed a trash can in front of my face, and I hurled over and threw up whatever was left on my nearly empty stomach.

It felt as if I threw up for hours, and afterwards, Ryan handed me a glass of ice-cold water and I thanked him. When I was able to regain my conscious and remember where I was and how I got here, I glanced at the clock and realized it was 9:30AM the next morning.

"Oh shit, Kaylie is probably wondering where I am!"

"Don't worry, I told Kaylie where you were." Justin said. I looked up and glanced up at him, and for the first time, I saw Justin from what it seemed liked years. His hair was blonde, he had a bit of stubble on his face and he looked, happy. Maybe the single life was treating him good too.

Then I remembered someone was missing. "Where's Demi?" I asked, hoping none of the guys looked at me like I was crazy. I was for sure I saw her last night. I know I did.

"She's still asleep." Ryan answered.

"Why is she here? How did she get here?" I asked. I was so confused and just needed answers.

"She'll tell you. She wants to tell you herself." Ryan said.

"Is she mad?"

"Mad at what?" Ryan asked confused.

"About us? The fact we have a child together?" I swallowed, knowing Justin was still salty about the whole situation as well.

"Not really. She doesn't understand why or how, but she's not totally angry." Ryan answered.

"Talking about me, I hear?" Demi said as she walked into the living room. I sat up completely more slowly and tucked my legs and feet under my body.

"Justin and I will let y'all talk alone." Ryan said and both guys got up. "We'll make a coffee run. Be back in twenty."

After Justin and Ryan left, Demi came and sat next to me with a smile. "I've missed you so much Selena." She sighed.

"Then why did you leave?" I asked and for the first time in a few years, I cried for Demi. I cried for my best friend and her disappearance.

Demi sighed. "It's a long story, so I hope you're prepared."

To summarize what Demi told me: After giving birth to her and Ryan's daughter, she suffered from postpartum depression for the longest and didn't want to tell anyone, not even her doctor. She says it got so bad, by the time their daughter was a few months old, Demi started doing drugs. Like, hardcore drugs. I don't know how any of us noticed that. We just thought Demi was working out more in the gym—that's what she told us. This makes sense as well because Demi just switched up on wanting to breast feed her daughter to formula feed.

Demi said this went on for a few months without any of us noticing. Then she told us a story of how her daughter was with her when she bought some drugs and the deal went bad and it nearly killed both her and her daughter. She told Ryan and us they were robbed by a stranger she didn't know.

Then she told us why she left with her daughter. She found out her daughter was sick—with cancer and she blamed herself because of the postpartum depression and drugs. She didn't want anyone to find out. Another factor was she was suffering from depression, bipolar depression and a multiple personality disorder illness. She refused to tell anyone or get professional help until she landed in Spain. That's where she found doctors to help her daughter and herself. Demi explained how she barely remembers Spain because of all the medications she was on, and how she doesn't even want to remember because seeing her daughter at her weakest was the worst thing to experience.

Demi and Ryan's daughter died about 3 years ago, losing the battle to cancer. Demi started getting healthy again and focusing on her health. The entire time she felt terrible for leaving us just like that. About a year ago is when she came back, and just a few months ago, she got into contact with Justin after seeing Ryan and I with our son. That's when Justin told her about Evan, the whole situation. She explained she was hurt but couldn't be that mad because of how she just up and left her family.

After she was finished explaining all of it, we cried, to each other. I had a panic when she told me she relapsed in Spain and nearly died from an overdoes but luckily someone found her and got help before it was too late.

Ryan and Justin came back with coffee and breakfast pastries just as Demi and I finished crying.

"So, Selena, enough about me," Demi chuckled, "how are you? How's Kaylie? I can't wait to see her after all these years. And to see Esther! And meet Evan!" Demi exclaimed happily.

"Um, we're all good. Kaylie's a senior in high school now, still cheerleading! I'm sure she'll be excited to see you, she's missed you so much."

"Are you seeing anybody?" Demi asked and I heard Ryan and Justin both nearly choke on their coffee.

"Um, not really." I said slowly and cursed at myself knowing Demi could still read right through me.

"What's his name?" She asked with a big grin.

Justin and Ryan both looked at me. "What are y'all looking at like that?" I said and sipped my coffee.

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