Chapter 11: Sex Ed

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Selena's POV

One week. I had one week until Thanksgiving and I still had no dinner plans. I did not know what I was cooking, had no idea who I was inviting to this dinner or what I would wear. Do I invite Shiloh, my new boyfriend? Do I invite my two baby daddies? Ryan and Justin? If I invite Justin, should I invite Hailey along with? Should I invite my mother? If I invite Justin and Hailey, I cannot invite my mother. If Shiloh is invited can he be around Justin and Ryan?

My head was spinning, and I just wanted to down a whole bottle of something—anything. Shiloh was by my side as I rambled, and he just laughed.

"You're just over thinking it." He chuckled.

"I just don't want any arguments, or fights." I groaned. "My mom is a hating b—"

"Language." He scolded.

"I mean, my mother is just SO lovely and amazing and admiring—"

"But don't lie." He added in.

"You don't get it. My mom hates Justin, ever since he knocked me up when I was 18. My mom isn't fond of Ryan either even though I'm just HALF to blame for that! My mom just wants me to have this perfect little life that isn't going to happen."

"What about Gracie?"

"Gracie is the child that could never do any wrong. If only she knew half of the things Gracie did in college."

Shiloh placed his hands on my shoulders and gave a comforting squeeze. "How about we forget about this for a while and take a break? You've had a long day at work, Esther and Evan are asleep, Kaylie is out with her friends, it's just us two."

I gave a small sigh with a smile. "Fix me a glass of wine?"

"Of course, and I'll order Chinese food. Go pick out a movie." He gave a kiss on my forehead and was more than eager to have a relaxing night with just the two of us.


About 2 hours later, the front door opened and shut quickly and before I could say hello to Kaylie, she was up the stairs and the door to her room echoed throughout the house.

"Trouble in relationship paradise?" Shiloh questioned.

"Eh, probably." I shrugged.

"Well, aren't you going to go check on her?"

"Why? She didn't come in screaming in annoyance so it can't be that bad." I shrugged and sipped my wine.

"Selena," Shiloh gave me that look.

"Oh no, don't give me that look! If Kaylie needed my help, she knows she can come to me."

"What if she doesn't want to bother you? What if it's embarrassing to her? She was crying, I'm sure."

"Why are you a better parent than me?" I groaned.

"You are an excellent parent." He said and kissed my head. "Now go check on her."

"Well there goes my 'our' time. Time to be a parent again. It was times like this I wish there was another parent around to talk to her." I placed my second glass of wine on the table and walked up to Kaylie's room hearing a few sniffles from the other side of the door.

I knocked lightly and heard her voice say, 'go away,' but ignoring it, I opened the door slightly, putting my head through the small crack.

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