Chapter One

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Hailey's POV

Hale!!!! WTF is taking you ages?" Bennie bellowed.

We have to attend a birthday slash welcome home party of one of his old friends. I don't know why I need to be there. I didn't wanna go, but of course, I had to when they use the "you are part of the family" reason to guilt trip me. It works like magic everytime.

You see, I was 17 years old when my dad passed away. I was left with my stepmother then. I thought she was an angel. Taking care of me even if I wasn't her own blood. I thought wrong though. I discovered that the hard way.


It was my 18th Birthday today. I didn't want any party because I don't want Rebecca to spend more than necessary. I know she is trying to make ends meet, so trying to spend on my birthday party would be inconsiderate.

Today marks the day that I am officially an adult and I no longer have to be supervised. She can move on with her life and from my dad.

They loved each other. I was a witness of that. Unfortunately, my dad succumb to cancer at 51.

As an only child, I got pampered. I got what I wanted but fate has other plans.

As I reminisce my dad and his memories, how he always surprised me on my birthday, I smiled. I was excited to go home. I know I didn't have a party but Rebecca said she has a surprise for me.

Upon reaching home, I looked for Rebecca and found her at the back of our house. She has a big smile plastered on her face while holding a cake with the number 18 candle on it.

"Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To you! Happy Birthday...., Happy Birthday,.... Happy Birthday Haley!!! she sang.

By the end of her song I was already in tears.

"What are you standing and crying there for? Come on blow your cake and let's have our own party! she exclaimed excitedly.

I blew my candle and gave her a teary thank you. She ushered me to a table she set up. There was pizza, chicken and some gin and tonic.

"I know it is not much but two is still a party right?" she asked.

"Rebecca, you know I am thankful of everything and this is all I ever wanted" I told her sincerely. She smiled at me and motion me to dig in.

"Since, you are now an adult, I am introducing you to gin and tonic. We can get drunk and pass out. I won't ground you" she teased.

I nod my head eagerly knowing she is allowing me to drink. Usually, teens have to sneak out to drink but she is different. Maybe, it is because it's my birthday.

At the first taste, it was bitter. It burned on my throat. Maybe, it is because it's the first time. I smiled and accepted the drink Rebecca keeps giving me. Until, I felt dizzy and my face is numb. That is strange, do you get drunk after four glasses of gin and tonic? Well, then again, it's my first time so yeah maybe, I told myself.

"Now, for the last surprise" she said with an evil glint in her eyes. I shrugged it off thinking I am already seeing things. Until I felt someone carry me.

"Haley, meet Matt" I heard her say. "He will make sure you are well taken cared off and enjoy" she added.

I didn't realise what she meant till I felt myself being laid down on a soft mattress. I then panicked. Why can't I feel my whole body? I felt his hands touching me everywhere. His breath on my neck while whispering to me "you are gonna enjoy this as much as I do". By that time, tears are running down my face. Why can't I move? I keep screaming at myself to move. To try and push him off me as he took off my clothes. But my hands are too weak. My legs are too weak. It wasn't cooperating with my brain.

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