Chapter 8

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Bennie said he'll be here. Why is this monster here.

"Don't be so anxious Hailey, not like we haven't done it before" he taunted.

"Stop. No. Get away!" I screamed but my screams fell into deaf ears.

"Come on, you know I will enjoy it so either be a good girl or you won't enjoy it at all" he taunted me more.

I kicked him and keep thrashing against his hold.

"NNNNOOOO!!!!!" I shouted when he started taking of my clothes.

I am being shaken. I could feel my self being carried and shaken.

"Hales! Haley, wake up! It's a dream. It was a dream! Open your eyes for me. It's Bennie here. I am here. Comeback to me" I heard Bennie's frantic call.

I opened my eyes to look at his worried one.

"Are you ok, its me Hales" he assured me.

I hold onto him tightly and said "You told me you will be here Ben. He was here."

"No, he wasn't. I am here. I just came out a bit to speak to Luke" he said rubbing my back.

"Don't let him near me. You promised Ben" I cried.

"I won't. It's just me and Luke, Hales. Open your eyes and look around" he encouraged me.

I opened my eyes to see him and then Luke standing near the bed with water on his hand.

"Sorry for the trouble" I said masking any sign of distress knowing there's another person in the room. "Give me a few minutes then I will be out" I said dismissing them.

"This needs to stop. Whatever it is, you need to tell me so I know what we are dealing with. You can't keep me in the dark" Luke said irritatedly.

"Lucas! Not now!" Benjie said raising his voice.

"How can we protect her if you guys won't tell me what's wrong? How do I accept everything is ok when she is shaking like a leaf in your arms?!" Luke shouted at Benjie.

"I said not to push it, Jameson!" Benjie shouted back.

This can't happen. They shouldn't fight. Not for me at least.

"I was raped" I said in a tiny voice. Then both of them stopped and looked at me. I close my eyes.

"Haley, don't tell him if you're not ready, you don't have to" Benjie said in a soft voice.

I can't let them fight. Bennie did a lot for me and I can't let him  loose his friend because he's protecting me.

"It's a matter that needed to be discussed privately. We need to go to my penthouse if we are gonna discuss this" Luke suggested.

I nodded.

"Freshen up, Hales, we'll wait for you outside" Bennie said.

I took deep breaths. Can I do it? But if I don't, I will never have the courage to speak up again.

I need to see Frank.

As I was coming out I heard Bennie's warning "If you so much as utter any demeaning words to Haley, I will forget our friendship Jameson. Haley comes first."

When they saw me they both said "Let's go"

The ride on the elevator was full of tension. Bennie is shielding me from Luke and Luke was staring intently at my head.

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