Chapter 12

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Today would be another harrowing day.

If Luke was here, he could distract me from that monster.

Now, I hated being alone. Before I basked in the loneliness but I just don't wanna be alone right now.

It's hard to live when every five seconds I need to look back to see if he was there.

I may seem paranoid but I can't help it. I can fight him with my bare hands but what if he use the same drug as before.

I will die fighting this time.

While I was walking to my office I got so distracted and only noticed the person in front of me when I bumped into him.

"Helena" Luke gathered me in his arms.

I stiffened but relaxed when I heard his voice. I am not hallucinating. He is home.

"What got you so distracted that you didn't see me" he inquired.

"Oh Nothing, I was just thinking" I said.

"Hmmm.." he hummed and continue hugging me.

I sighed in his arms. At least he is here for now.

"Let's go to your office, Angel" he nudge me when I didn't made a move.

When we entered my office, he closed it quickly.

I just walked to the window and stare into the city view.

"You need to talk, Angel" Luke whispered from behind me.

I just nodded and took and long deep breath.

How do I tell him I am still scared of that man even after all these years.

"I take it, you heard from Bennie" I said quietly.

"You don't have to be afraid of anything. I am here. I am going to protect you" he assured me.

"For the first time since I became a York, I am scared" I admitted.

"I can destroy his business so he'd be busy and he'll forget you" he volunteered.

If it was that easy I would have agreed.

"It would look suspicious. He doesn't know it's me. the Hailey he used and abused. I wanna keep it that way" I said.

"We can't pretend like he is not affecting you when we meet him again Angel, the business world is small. We would always bump into him" he countered. I sounded frustrated.

I am too.

With my knowledge in the computer and programming, I feel like I am clueless how to solve this one. How to delete my own virus.

"Maybe, just maybe, he has forgotten about it Luke" I offered.

"So, you want me to sit and do nothing?" He countered.

"Yes. That is what we should do. I can defend myself" she sighed.

"You are self destructing, Angel. You need to fight this head on otherwise it will be like a gray cloud hanging above your head" he advised.

"It would be difficult because I am a York now. What do you want me to do? Rip the band aide I kept on for so long and stir the problem when I can just ignore it and make it seem like I don't know him" I said, my temper rising.

He signed, then run his fingers in his hair. He does that a lot when he's frustrated.

"I don't know how to help you Angel, I should be protecting you not letting you stand in the corner and do everything on your own" he said defeated.

"I'll understand if you wanna back out from this marriage before it's too late. We can at least do somw damage control since we have just recently announced it" I offered hating the taste of those words in my mouth.

He strode towards me and grabbed me so quickly.

"Do not! And I mean do not ever say that, Helena. I am not letting you go. I do not know where these thoughts of yours are coming from or I may have assumed that what we are these past few weeks or days are going strong. But know that I am not letting you go. Not to anybody. I won't let you break this marriage alliance so easily" he grounded his teeth.

"Luke, I...." Before I could finish my sentence, he let go of me.

"Maybe, you just needed space. I might have assumed we have something special going on but if you can easily say that, I thought wrong then" Luke said coldly.

"Luke if you would just let me speak" I plead.

"You don't have to explain anything, Helena, I understand. I won't be in your way Helena. But I will protect you since it's my duty as your fiance if it meant anything to you at all" he turned around and walked out of my office before I could tell him I was just trying to be considerate. So that I won't burden him.

He just went above and beyond misunderstanding everything I said.


I am already too tired and too sleepy and now too worked up to even concentrate.

I picked up my bag and went to the private elevator going to the parking lot. I have my own car. A different one that what I normally use. And right now I need to be unseen by anybody.

I sat on the car and played on my iPad to delete my footage going out of the building through the private elevator.

I have to clear my head.

I sent a text to Bennie saying I'd be out doing personal girly stuff so he won't worry.

I may have been way into my head that I do not have anyone to go.

Luke would have been my safe place but seeing as he is angry at me at the moment, I can't go to him.

My parents and Bennie is not an option either since they will be worried.

They don't deserve being burdened.

I was on the road for two hours driving aimlessly.

I stopped at a lay-by and leaned on the steering wheel when my phone rang.

"Hales, where are you?" Bennie sounded worried.

"I am fine just blowing off some steam and looking for a cheese cake" I tried to sound happy.

"It's not like you to disappear on a work day Hales. And I hear Luke was here earlier, but I know you're not with him coz I am meeting him for lunch" Bennie stated.

"Hmmmmm..." I hummed not knowing what to say.

"I am just trying to enjoy today before I go out of town for a few days. I have to go to France to review a security features of one my client" I said trying to make it like there's nothing going on.

"That French account? Why do you have to go personally, send in your engineers to do that. You know I can't go with you this week because my schedule is full."

"Ben, I have to do it somehow. Plus, it's gonna be a great opportunity to expand my own business. I can't always be relying on York's industry" I said hoping he just let it go.

"You're a York Hales" Bennie stated.

"I know, Ben, and I have my own wings too, let me fly" I said then giggled to let him know I am okay.

"If you need to go then go, but call me and I mean it, call me whenever you need me Hales" Bennie negotiated.

"You know I'd annoy the hell out of you even when I don't need you" I said.

"Go home earlier, there's a lot of crazy wankers on the road and I hate when you drive alone" Bennie said.

I mumbled an okay and love you before hanging up hoping he will not be worried.

I set my car on my next destination.  To Frank's lair then. Maybe training would boost my energy and reassure me that I am on top.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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