Chapter 21

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Harper watched as Katey left the room. A few minutes pasted and Harper felt a pounding pain in her head, making her pass out.

~30 minutes later with Gar and Haylee~

~Katey's POV~

Rrrrreeeee! I have to stay here with them till Jaime and Bart are done having sex. Loud ass boys! I hear a scream come from the other side of the mountain.

~Bart's POV~

I heard a scream come from Katey's and Harper's room. I made Jaime pull out, and I quickly got my underwear and pants on. I ran into the room and she looked at me terrified. "I'll get Katey!" I told her. "WHO?!" She yelled ask me. I turned around and looked at her with concern. "Katey. You're girlfriend." I told her. "Uhm!!! The red hair girl?" Harper asked. Katey ran in. "Harper! Are you ok?!" Katey asked. "YOU! YOU PSYCHO FUCKING BITCH! STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU PUT A LOVE SPELL ON ME!" Harper yelled, getting pissed. "Wait! Please! Let m-me e-eh explain!" Katey got out. Bart gave her a death stair. "You already know I'm fast. And you did what to MY best friend! You are still the same old person you were! A VILLAIN!" Bart yelled. "YOU STUPID FOX, YOU CANT DO SHIT TO ME!" Katey aimed her wand at his throat. Bart's ears and tail came out, with his ears turning yellow, and his claws as well. "Run. Run you fucking bitch, and don't look back." Bart told her, a rask in his voice. She stumbled back and teleported away with a spell. Harper ran up to Bart and hugged him. Crying her eyes out. Bart put his claws away, "Everything is going to be ok. I promise."

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