Chpater 16

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Hey guys, if you know Jaime's mother's name, please tell me TwT!

Haylee walked up to Nightwing, that who was working on a case. Nightwing looked at her. "Need something?" He asked, looking slightly up from the holographic computer. Haylee nodded. "I-I'm h-hungry." She said quietly. Nightwing noticed something was off. "What's wrong? I'll get you something to eat, but what's wrong?" Nightwing in a more caring tone. Haylee has a red mark on her arm. "I-I..I was trying to make something by-by myself, then-then the h-hot water spilled and some got on my-my arm!" Haylee started crying. Nightwing picked her up, and went back to the kitchen. There was a small pot of water on the floor, and Mac and cheese noodles. "Hnmm. Superboy or Miss Martian will clean it up, don't worry." Nightwing told Haylee, giving her an ice pack.

~2 hours later~

Bart had come to the cave, and Nightwing had to explain it to him. "Ok...AnD wHy WeReN't YoU wAtChInG oVeR hEr?!" Bart asked. "I uhhh!" Nightwing didn't know what to say, so he just yeeted away! "BISH!" Bart yelled out. Bart walked you to Haylee. "I really need to find a better babysitter for ya!" Bart told her. Haylee giggled. "But Dick gets me McDonald's!" Haylee told him. Jaime walked by Bart, with a black eye. "Wha-what happened to H-J-Jai-me?" Haylee asked. Haylee has trouble saying his name. "Huh!? And Jaime!" Bart turned around correcting her. "Jaime! Ay! I said it r-right!" Haylee smiled. "Yeah you did, well Cassie should be here with the others any minute, so stay here while I go see what's wrong with Jaime!" Bart told her than ran off.

~In the kitchen with Jaime~

"¡Sí mamá! ¡Si entiendo! ¡No! Amo a Bart y no voy a romper con él solo por papá!" Jaime spoke over the phone with his Mamá in Spanish. (Yes Mama! I understand! No! I love Bart and I'm not breaking up with him only cause of Dad!). "Jaime! What's wrong? What happened to your eye?" Bart asked quickly running up to him. Jaime didn't realize he didn't hand up, so he set his phone on the counter, still on the phone with his Mamá. "I-I'm fine Esé." Jaime told Bart. "A bad black eye is not fine! Sit down while I get you some ice!" Bart told him. "But-" "No buts! Now sit down and let me help you!" Bart made clear grabbing some ice and the first aid kit. Jaime held the ice to his eye. "You don't have todo this.." Jaime told him softly. "Your right I don't have to, I want to. I love you, and I care for you." Bart told him, removing the ice from his eye and putting some ointment on it. Jaime blushed at that. Bart helped him put the eye patch on. "Well you're good to go!" Bart smiled. Jaime noticed that Bart's wrist was bleeding. "Why...?" Jaime asked. Bart started to panic and tear up. "Baby! I swear I didn't do it this time! J-Jake, Mikey and Riley did it!" Bart cried. "I-I was going to tell Dinah then you.." Bart felt ashamed. "Hey! Don't be ashamed." Jaime quickly changed the bandages.

~At Jaime's house with his Mom~

'He really does care for this Bart, and he cares for him. I don't think he knows I'm still on the phone. least this Bart treats my son with care and love. And what are they talking about?' Jaime's mother thought in her head. 'Well it's not place to stick my nose in. I'll let them be.' She said in her head then hung up.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 Where stories live. Discover now