Chapter 2

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At the Cave

~Bart's POV~

I ran to the cave. I put a fake smile on and everything. They can never know what I have been through. All that torture. Pain. All those scars, buried into that 9-year-old boy's wrist. I walked into the training room. Nightwing and Lagoon Boy were training together. I was going to ask where my friends were, but then Robin just scared me. "AAAHHHH!!!! WHAT THE! MEANY!" I whined at him. He burst out laughing. I pouted. Jaime gave me a hug. We all knew each other's identities, even Robin's! But he made clear not to use it, unless were in public. I hugged Jaime back. It was really nice when Jaime hugged me. "Ship!" I heard Robin mutter under his breath. I gave him a death look. "What?" He asked me. "I heard that!" I smirked. He gave me an 'oh shit' face. He made a run for it. "GET BACK HERE!" I yelled, laughing. It was a real laugh this time, don't worry!

~Tim's POV~

OH SHIT! IM FUCKING DEAD! Bart tackled me down to the ground, laying on top of me. "GET OFF!" I yelled at him. He continued to lay ON TOP of me! I know it's a bad idea, cause I like Cassie, but it will get him off me! "If you don't get off me, right now! I will kiss you Bartholomew!" I told him, using his real name. And damm, I thought he already moved fast. I didn't even realize there wasn't any weight on me anymore. I laughed! "Batman 02." I heard the computer announce. I ran to the Zata tube. Bruce probably heard what I said. I looked to the side. "Robin, he broke out again, I want you to stay in the here for the time being." Batman told me. Him was Joker.....and he would want JJ to come out. JJ isn't that....bad I guess. He's only there for me when I'm in graved danger. Like someone is trying to rape you danger, or you bout to die. So yeah. Well I nodded, and went to my room.

~No one's POV~

Bart was in his room crying. It's the only thing he did in his room. Was cry. But the thing was, this time is was worse. "Zoë, Mum, Dad....Harper, Katey, Zack, and Blake. I've lost them all!" Bart thought to himself. "I should just cut myself till I die again! Except that didn't work the first time. Mainly cause of Blake, and Harper." Bart thought some more. Yes the Blake that now has Zoë as his girlfriend! "No have to stay strong! Wether your 2 "best friends" hate you forever!" Bart let a sob escape his mouth. Bart looked at pictures of him and Zoë. He heard someone coming to his room. He got rid of his tears and played on his phone. "Hey Esé! I have a question," Blue started. "Hm?" Bart looked at Jaime. "Who's Zoë?" Blue asked. "My ex girlfriend. She's was my best friend in the future, and cheated on me with my other ex best friend, Blake. She was Dick and Zatanna's daughter." Bart told him, looking to the side. Jaime's eyes widen, then he sat down next to Bart. What happened next astounded Bart. Jaime had lightly pecked Bart's cheek. Bart started blushing. "You better?" Jaime laughed. "Uhm...Y-Yeah!" Bart blushes more, stuffing his face into his pillow. "I knew that would make you feel better, and drive you crazy at the same time!" Jaime smirked. "J-J-Jaime...a-are you gay? Or bisexual, or something?" Bart asked. Bart regret asking. He saw Jaime's weirded out face. "No esé! I'm straight, and even if I was, my Papá would KILL me!" Jaime told him, then got up. "Why? Do you like me or something?" Jaime asked Bart. "NO! JUST GET OUT NOW! THANK YOU!" Bart yelled. It shocked Jaime, but didn't think a second thought about it, then left. Bart got up, and locked his door. Bart started crying again. He felt bad for yelling at Jaime. Bart took a knife out of his drawer. He starred at it. "I want to cut myself, but you know you shouldn't!" Bart thought. Bart put the knife back. "Why did that upset him?" Bart thought, then fell asleep, talking a nap.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕕 ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant