Ch.10: Now Kept In Paces

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(Save Me by: MacKenna Breinholt)

The Next Day...

Nogla POV

I woke up and saw charlene or charlie or I don't remember, awake and looking out the entrance in her human form.

"Kid are you sure you don't need help?" She asked

"Nope! I got it!" Y/N replied

I sat up and yawned. I then frowned when I was done yawning and watched Y/N bring in a hand crafted wooded plat form with a bunch of berries, oranges, apples and other stuff.

'She's tryin too hard to keep us safe.'

She looked tired and exhausted but she stopped and put her hands on her hips.

"See!" She said out of breath," did it all on my own!"

Charl- don't remember whats her name- chuckled at her and smiled.

"Damn." Was all she said

Y/N giggled and then ran off. Charlene or charlie then hummed and watched her leave.

"DONT GO TOO FAR!" She shouted


"Yeah, figures." She said

Imma just call her lady, fuck it. That lady then sighed and crossed her arms.

"Your our only hope kid, don't go crazy trying to protect these humans." She said softly

'Bitch what chu talkin about!'

I looked at the others and they started waking up.

"Oh right!" Lui said

"Oh, I wasn't dreaming." Smitty said

"Dumbasses." Evan replied

I got up and stretched waiting for meh sister to come back so I can be a brother!


I searched for a water source and was cautious of the trees. I found a watering hole with a big clearing and smiled. I ran toward it and heard birds around and near by. Birds are the one of a few species allowed to be in other territories.

I got to the water and sat on my knees. I cupped my hands in the water and then brought it to my face. I drank or slurped it and it was clean!

"Water acquired!" I cheered

I had no way to take it back to them so I got up and ran back to the cave. I now know where it is so I can just take the others there. Once I got to the cave, I saw the guys were awake.

They saw me and I smiled.

"I found a watering hole with clean water! We can take the food I found to it and wash it that way we have something to eat!" I said

I went to the plat form I made and grabbed the vines. I started pulling it out and everyone started following. I was then stopped by delirious.

"Your doing too much to keep us safe but we'll be okay!" Delirious said

"Yeah so let us help." Luke added

"We can handle ourselves." Brian said a little smug

I sighed and let go of the vine.

"Okay." I replied

Evan, brian, lui, and brock picked up the plat form and I lead everyone to the watering hole. As we got there I made sure the cost was clear and let everyone else eat.

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