Ch.3: Don't Leave Me Alone

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(Stupid For You by: Waterparks)

After the whole thing was over the bell rang. But now lets fuck school and get to the good stuff.

Three an a half hours later...

We all left the school grounds and went into town.

"Alright lets get this birthday train going!!" Evan cheered

They all cheered and shouted and I smiled. We got to the mall and then evan stopped everyone. He took something out and smiled at me.

"Happy birthday Y/N." Evan said softly

It was a collar like thing and it had a box with a red light. He put it around my neck and tied it to stay on but not to tight. I was confused and he looked at the box.

"Okay its green! Go ahead say something!" Evan said happily

My heart raced and I opened my mouth.

"W-What?" I asked

My eyes watered and I covered my mouth.

"A-Am I talking?!" I asked

He nodded and I smiled.

"I-I'm talking!!! T-this is....this is.....evan!!" I stammered

Tears flooded out of my eyes and I hugged him tight. He hugged me back and I cried a little.

"It lasts up to six hours so you're gonna be able to talk for six hours! Thats enough time for you to have fun." Evan chuckled

"Evan!!" I whined

"Holy shit, where did you get that thing?!" Tyler asked

"Before school started I wanted to get something for her that would really make her day special! So I made a few calls and used some money and got this to help our little fox talk." Evan explained

I cried happily as I hugged evan tighter.

"Thank you so much!!" I cried

"Now I feel bad cause she's crying." Evan complained

Everyone hugged me and I stopped crying. We all let go and I cleaned my face.

"Six hours of having my voice back!! But I didn't really care if I had my voice you guys are all I want to have!" I said

"She's so sweet! Fuck!" Luke complained

I chuckled and actually heard my laughter. I hugged evan one more time and then let him go.

"Lets go have fun!!!" I cheered

They all got excited and I was more than excited. We all went to the arcade and then the ice cream shop then the ice skating ring. The guys made jokes and talked and I laughed with them.

I was apart of their conversations now. I could laugh. I smiled brightly and tears pierced my eyes again. Its only been two hours but its felt amazing either way.

"Wait I wanna hear Y/N giggle!! I must hear a giggle from this sweet little thing!!" Brian said

I giggled at him and they all teased me.

"That is the cutest thing on earth!! Anyone who disagrees fight me!!" Lui said

"C'mon dumbasses lets go to ring now!" Craig chuckled

We switched our shoes our for the skates and delirious helped me on the ice. He held my hands as I shook and tried to get my balance set up.

"Its alright, just relax and find your balance." He chuckled

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