The Truth

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*A.N: Hey supppp! So I didn't post when I hit 180+ views so sorry!!! Buttttttt (haha butt) I'm posting for the second time today. Sorry this isn't super long but this one is REALLLLLLYYYY secret filled and juicy (kinda weird to! lol)

I walked down the hallway to see Valentina. She was the first to kill. My plan from then was to kill whoever got in my way. I was done trying to save the people that were trying to secretly kill me. Valentina was first on my list, followed by Candice. I went into the room to see gauze lying on the countertop. I picked it up and decided, I would use it to shove it down her throat to choke her. When I walked over to her and try to shove it, she grabbed my arm. "Sit down Kristen, we need to talk." She spoke clearly like she new what I was thinking, like she new my every move and what I was feeling. She used words that got to me unexpectedly. So smart but scary. "Listen I'm just going to get straight to it, you're special Kristen. You have the gift. The gift your asking is a special "power" okay? Your gift happens to be the most powerful of our kind. The power of power. You have all the powers our people have every had before." I tried to interrupt but she continued talking. "By our I mean me, Kevin, Salma, Caitlynn, and your power." I didn't dare stop her, it was to intriguing. "One of the special parts of the gift is immorality." I was confused, Salma died. If she also had the "gift" why did she die? "Our kind can only die if we kill each other. Did I answer all your questions?" I gave her a puzzled look. "Oh don't worry I have the power of facial reading. It's like mind reading but looking at the face to read instead of having to mind read!" She said. "So what powers do I have?" I ask. "Kevin's is the power of obsession, he can make people obsessed with things. Salma's was the power of splitting, she can split people or things. Caitlynn has the power of distorting, she can reshape and resize things." She said. All this information was fascinating but I had to go. "Listen I ne....." "I know Kristen that you need to leave. But know that we only came to this camp for you, to protect you. Candice is crazy but remember your powers." I shook my head that I understood and walked out the door. I was special. Extremely special. Finally I knew I had the upper hand in the fight against M.O.R.T. It was time to win. The truth would and will set me free

The Secret HotelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora