Lights out Cameras on part 2/2

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*Hey thanks for 13 views! Before I only had seven, but you amazing people brought is up by 6 views, almost double in under a day. Love you and leave some comments if you like! Also POV means point of view, so yes the story will start being told from different points of view and ya*

I woke up yet again to the sound of giggling. I opened my eyes and panicked, all I saw was red. Soon I laughed at myself realizing I was still under my covers. When I took off my covers I saw Valentina, Kevin, Caitlynn, and Salma sitting on Kevin's bed in a circle. I walked over to them and said "Hey your back!" Valentina smiled and said " Hey sleepy head, we're playing truth or dare, wanna join?" I shook my head yes and sat down. "Okay Kristen you're first, truth or dare?" Said Kevin. Since I had just woken up I didn't want to be doing that much moving or really anything that took a lot of energy, so I choose truth. "Truth" I said. Kevin said with a smirk "What was the most interesting part of your day so far." I was going to say how cool the inventing room was, where I started to make a pancake making machine, but instead once again the words fell out of my mouth. Instead of saying what I wanted my mouth had a mind of its own and said what I hoped it wouldn't. "I saw Milton Oval making out with Candice." They didn't believe what I had just said, they were in shock. There mouths hung open in surprise. "Oh my gosh what the heck did I just do. I have to pretend it was a joke, or else" I thought. Before I could even tell them it was a joke all the lights went out. Boom pitch black just like before. I heard shuffling on the bed, like if they started jumping on the bed. But then I also heard screams. "WHATS GOING ON!" I cried. I ran over to the door where I knew there was a light switch. I kept trying to turn it off and on. By then I was covered in tears. I heard the door shut and then everything went black. Everything

*Milton Ovals POV*
I grabbed another bottle of liquor. What brand it was and where I got it from I had no idea, all I knew was that it took all my worries away. I heard the door open behind me, and the sweet sweet smell of my angel. "Candy you look so good darling." I said. She smiled and handed me a cigar. "So Milly, what are we gonna do about that rotten wife of yours?" She said while sitting down on the black leather couch next to my liquor bar. "Oh Candy we are just having some problems." I said. Before I could continue on she stood up. She angrily said "MILLY, you guys don't have "problems" WE ARE TOGETHER. If you don't get rid of her I WILL!" she threw a glass of wine in my face and stormed out. I decided to turn on the cameras and see where she was going. In a particular room I over heard a girl with short curly hair with caramel skin saying my biggest secret. That I was romantically involved with Candy! I told my workers to grab the kids and bring them to the "Secret Hotel."

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