Bloody and Bruised

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I started walking out of the room and down the hallway. Adriana seemed very heavy, but she's was very skinny. I guess I was just a weakling. "Pring, Pring." I hear the sound of metal hitting something. I see Adriana's watch hitting her arm. I take the watch off to see the time, who knows how long I was at this camp. I look to see the date "8-5-14." It had been 2 months of me being here! School started back the 18th and I was still here. "How long had I been in that white room for? No wonder Izma acted like it wasn't a big deal she was there. She had been there for so long!" I said in amazement. "IZMA!!" I screamed. I had forgot I needed to save her. The others also. Who knows what they've been doing to them all this while. I panicked and started to run when bam my hip bashes against a doorknob. I fall dropping Adriana, and start crying in excruciating pain. I pull up my shirt to see a bloody hip with a gash on it. I had never bleed this much before I thought. I couldn't move, my hip worsened by the second. I layer down and stayed as still as possible, it made it hurt less. Once again my eyes felt heavy. I closed them slowly savoring the pretty blue lights that reminded me of my brothers room at home. The bright blue lights he hung around his boat shaped bed to make it look like he was sailing on the bluest water in the sea. I savored them every second until my eyes finally shut. Maybe I would sail on the bluest water one day I thought.

"Beep, Beep, Beep" I hear in a soft tone. "Well either wake her up or I'll do it myself" I hear someone say in an angry voice. "Sir she needs to rest to get better, we have treated her wounds to the best of our abilities. It's time for her body to do the rest" I hear a lady say. She was right. I felt drained, and like I could sleep for one hundred years, even though my eyes were closed my brain wouldn't let me sleep. I opened my eyes to see what looks like a hospital room. White and green walls with a Red Cross on one of the walls. I tilt my head to see Milton Oval arguing with a short old lady in scrubs. She looked over at me and did a double take. She raised her eye brow and Milton Oval suddenly turned around also. "There we go!" He says with a smile on his face. He walks over to me and sits down next to me. "Kristen, we have some thing to talk about." He says. I wanted to keep quiet, and make him angry, but my temper boiled and I started to yell. "MILTON WHERES MY FRIENDS! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR DUMB GIRLFRIEND!" I shout. He gives a shocked face and walks out the room. The old lady who I was assuming was the nurse walks over to me. "Oh dear don't worry they're okay, I just visited them. There was a break out of lice while you were away" she says smiling. I guess she didn't know what really happened to me. "You have an unusually bruised hip, you need your rest." She added. She walked over to the light switch and clicked it. "Time for slumber." She said before finally closing the door.

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