Icy cold

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My head was pounding. It felt like someone was stepping on the back of my head, jumping up and down. It hurt a lot but not horribly. When I finally had the strength to open my eyes there was a bright blue light. I couldn't see anything besides that blue light. I soon realized I was sitting on a chair, in a dark room with that bright light. When my eyes began to focus I saw Milton Oval. He wasn't very handsome anymore. His hair was knotted and greasy, his eyes were bloodshot, and his robe wasn't pure red anymore, it looks like it was covered in something lilac. He stared into my eyes like if he could read my darkest secrets. I knew this wasn't true, he was a master of wooing women with those I bet. Not me, I wouldn't fall for that. He walked over to me and kneeled down. His head hung low, as if he felt guilty. But then in a matter of seconds he swooped up his head and stared at me only a few inches away from my face. I stared back. Those icy blue eyes chilled me to my bone. They looked like the pale blue of an iceberg. Like if those eyes have went into dark places but shined through and conquered. He smiled and got up. "So miss..... Stanley, I see you know some things." He said. I shook my head no. "Really then, please do explain why you said what you did during that game of truth or dare?" I looked at him and shook my head, it was best for me to deny then get my innocent friends in trouble. He laughed said "Miss Stanley, all I want is the truth ... no pun intended." I shook my head. I had to, but I felt tears coming. "Oh gosh no, that's a sure fire sign i'm guilty!" I thought. But I couldn't hold it back. The first tear fell and after that I knew I was done for. He took off his stained robe and handed it to me. "Why is he being so nice?" I thought. "Listen MISS...." Before he could finish there was a knock at the door. He rolled his eyes at me and walked out the room. While he walked out I took the time to feel my now less hurting head. I felt something sticky and sharp. "Oh crap that better not be my skull!" I said. It took a large piece out of my hair and saw that it was a piece of glass that was blue. I smelt it, it had an intoxicating smell. "Liquor" I guessed. The liquid was clear, so that meant it wasn't blood, "yay!" I said. "Well they had to knock me out somehow" I thought. While sitting and waiting for Milton to comeback I heard screaming. Not like something bad was happening, like arguing. But who knew I might be imagining things. I closed my eyes and drifted off for a bit. When I came back he told me something I wasn't prepared to hear. "Protecting your friends huh? Well let's see about that!"

*Milton Oval's P.O.V*
Ugh those rotten kids, about to ruin everything I have worked for. Well not today. Why wasn't she giving me answers. I tried being nice but I wasn't the most patient man. Ugh...my head was starting to spin from drinking all of that liquor. I stumbled down into a kneeling position. I looked up to finally get an up close look at her. Oh no, I forgot I had to hit her in the head with a glass bottle. "Oh well" I thought. I got back up and kept asking her what she knew. If I could only get her to say she started a "fake rumor" about me cheating on my wife everything would be okay. But she wouldn't budge. I was getting angry. I started yelling but then I heard a knock at the door. It was Candice. I stepped out to see her smiling. Not a happy smile, more like a smug grin. "Oh Milly! You wouldn't believe what great news I have!" I made an interested face. "Milly her friends, SHE'S PROTECTING HER FRIENDS!" She said. "Stop yelling Candy, she can hear you" I whispered. She rolled her eyes and turned around, while walking away she told me in a cold voice "Milton do whatever it takes." I walked back into the room. "I needed a drink, NOW!" I thought. Ugh the nerves started to come back. I had to spit out the words "Protecting your friends huh? Well let's see about that!"

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