Her eyes drifted to Jimmy and Angie understood. Unlike Sam and Skye who hadn't minded, Kyle and Kay didn't want to get married without the real Jimmy being there. Would that mean they'd stay engaged for years? She didn't really want to think about it. That was one of the reasons she'd run away in the first place.

The wedding seemed to go on forever. It didn't take long for someone to take Kay and Christine dancing, so it left Angie with only huffy Tina for company. At first, she tried to make small talk, but when she realized Tina was just as lackluster as her, she gave up and just settled for watching Tom and downing fruity cocktails.

Why couldn't he dance with someone else? Why couldn't Lucy? But she hung on to him, laughing, touching him, obviously flirting, and she looked so beautiful. And he held her too close, leaning in to whisper in her ear. Everyone else was invisible, and even if a lot of people were not in their seats and she could join Jessie and Jimmy, Angie didn't.

Yep, she was being a complete idiot. When Jessie waved her over, she couldn't think of a reason to refuse, so she got up and joined them.

"What's up with you?" Jessie asked the moment she sat down. "You look like you're at a funeral."

"Guess I'm not in a partying mood," Angie mumbled.

Jessie's eyes narrowed. "Is this about someone dancing with a certain someone else?"

"Of course not."

"Just so you know, you're not subtle at all."

The affirmation dove a boulder into Angie's stomach. "Shit, do you think he noticed?"

"That you keep glaring at him? Ya-huh."

Angie balled her fists and looked into her lap. She was done staring. She'd just... Disappear off the face of the planet for the rest of the wedding.

"Come on, Angie."

"Jimmy seems better," she blurted out, just to get Jessie off her back.

It worked, since Jessie actually turned to Jimmy. He was watching the dancing people, a small smile on his face.

"Yes, he's a lot calmer. He likes music and colorful stuff."

"That sounds so wrong."

"I know," Jessie said with a groan. "But it's what I've been reduced to. I'm just glad he can be here."

No kidding. "So the treatment isn't working."

"I don't know. Sometimes it feels like it does. He has small periods of time when he seems a lot more aware. It's a day-by-day process unfortunately." Jessie bit her lower lip. "If only the Agency would let us work with them."

"Why aren't they?"

Jessie's eyelids half dropped and Angie instantly understood. For the same reason she was half-convinced that they'd set fire to her house and killed her family. The Agency didn't fully trust them, and unfortunately were justified in their skepticism. They were, after all, playing for both sides.

Lucy dropped on the chair next to Angie, and all serious conversation became impossible.

"Is it just me or is it impossibly hot in here?" She reached out and grabbed a napkin to fan herself with it.

Angie didn't even bother to answer, her eyes scanning the crowd. Tom had disappeared or was lost between the dancers.

"Also, Jessie, your dancing is phenomenal," Lucy continued. "And the way Kyle sings... Damn! Skye sure married into a good family."

Jessie laughed. "Yes, because I'm sure my dancing and Kyle's singing influenced her decision."

"Nah, Sam is pretty awesome himself. Boy's got the moves," she said with a grin. "Both him and..." Lucy's words trailed off as her eyes scanned the guests, obviously looking for Tom.

Lose Control (The Jewel Project #5)Where stories live. Discover now