25.2|| Lose Control

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Sam wasn't sure exactly what had happened and how Skye ended up in his bed, but he appreciated the warmth of her sleeping body. Yes, it had been easier for him to fall asleep, but it also filled his slumber with weird dreams about wraiths rising above Niagara Falls and trying to suck her soul out.

He'd avoided his own nightmares, but he wasn't sure having hers was an improvement.

Still, when he woke up, he felt fairly well rested and eager to make sure there would be no awkwardness between them. So, he left her a note that he'd be downstairs for breakfast and did just that.

The inn had a very nice, picturesque diner on the ground floor, with dark wooden paneling and old-fashioned furniture in shades of brown and dark red. It also offered a very traditional breakfast that he gulped down in a heartbeat. It felt like all that emotional stuff had drained him. He wasn't sure he was over it, but he did feel considerably lighter, as if the massive amounts of pain had vanished, leaving behind a disconcerting hole.

As he sipped his tea, he analyzed the hole. He couldn't really gauge the depth of it or if he should actually air it out or try to fill it. The good part is that he knew why it was there. His trust, his love for Christine and Harry... They were somehow gone. Feelings that had once kept him safe and happy now left behind painful space. But should he do anything about it or just wait and hope for the best?

Right on cue, Skye slid in the seat across from him, wearing his hoodie and the jeans he'd bought her. Her hair was a messy crown of waves and she looked a little sleepy, but other wise peaceful. She wasn't the type of girl who looked unfinished without makeup on and she looked so much younger in that ensemble.

"Don't laugh at my hair," she mumbled. "I didn't actually bring a comb." She dragged her fingers through her hair as she said this, her eyes scanning the menu.

"I think it actually looks cute. Makes you seem younger."

She didn't look at him, but smiled to herself and stopped messing with her hair. "I'm not that old so you can cut that out."

The waitress came to their table and Skye placed her order before turning her attention to him.

"Did you sleep well?"

"It was weird, but I did sleep."

Her shoulders tensed. "Weird how?"

"I had this nightmare about ghosts dragging you into the falls."

Her attention returned to the menu even if she'd already ordered her food. "Fitting," she muttered.

Sam raised an eyebrow. She was obviously hiding something. "What happened here?"

She ignored him, turning the glossy pages of the booklet. "Huh, they apparently serve beans for breakfast. Anyway, how do you feel?"

Such a lousy deflection, but it was obviously a delicate subject for her, so he chose not to pry. "Okay, I guess. A little confused, a little empty."

She hummed, pulling her knees to her chest and hugging them. "Do you listen to music?"

That was an odd question. "I guess..."

"As in casual listener or avid listener?"

"I don't know. Where are you going with this?"

"It might help your feelings to get lost in books, music or art. Do things alone that lift you."

She was probably thinking that he'd want to drag her around everywhere, which wasn't too far from the truth. "Okay. Music might work."

Skye nodded, rubbing her index and middle finger rapidly. He frowned, taking in her hand, the the way she was jittery. He recognized the signs all too well.

Lose Control (The Jewel Project #5)Where stories live. Discover now